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Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

All Heritage men are invited to our annual Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 4, at 7:30 a.m. in The Cave. We’re excited to welcome Jimmy MacPhee as our speaker. Jimmy has a testimony of God’s grace to him through terrible choices in his life resulting in over 40 years in prison. Come hear this story of grace and learn about Jimmy’s current ministry. One of our goals for this breakfast is to invite friends and contacts from our community who don’t know Christ, so think about who you will bring with you that morning. 

Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Pray. Ask God to use His Word to point men to Himself.
  2. Sign up. We need to know that you’re coming so that we can prepare adequate food. Please sign up no later than noon on Wednesday, November 1.

You are welcome to share this email as you invite your friends. We are looking forward to a great time together on Saturday, November 4. 

Trunk or Treat – Oct. 27

Trunk or Treat – Oct. 27

We are excited to be able to host Trunk or Treat again this year on Friday, October 27. If you live in our community, we invite you to join us! In addition to lots of trunks with free candy, there will be free hot dogs and magic shows at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 p.m.

Heritage family, in the past, we have had big crowds, so let’s be eager in opening our hearts and arms to people from all over our community. Every member of is encouraged to participate in several ways.

  1. Pray. Ask our Father and God to open doors for the Gospel. Ask Him to give us eternally significant conversations with people who are searching for joy and purpose and meaning—people who need a Savior.
  2. Plan a “Trunk.” Start thinking about some creative design ideas, and sign up online or in the North Lobby beginning on Sunday, October 8. Our goal is to have 50 decorated trunks in our parking lot this year.
  3. Donate candy. Whether or not you are able to participate in Trunk or Treat on October 27, you can contribute to our church’s community outreach by donating candy. Buy wrapped fall candy and bring it to church; we need lots and lots! Drop it off at the display in the North Lobby.

In past years we’ve seen more people come onto our property and interact with us through Trunk or Treat than through any other event. This is a creative way that we can reach out into our community and communicate our love and care for people. We don’t know how our God may work, but may Christ use our efforts to bring us into contact with seekers who need the Savior!

Women’s Bible Study Fall 2023

Women’s Bible Study Fall 2023

Ladies, please join us for our fall Women’s Bible Study September 12 through November 14! We will be studying the last part of Genesis, chapters 12-50, using Jen Wilkin’s book, God of Covenant. Through this study you will discover how God orchestrates everything for His glory and the good of His people and see how the God of creation and covenant is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jen is an author and Bible teacher, and her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God.

We offer two study times, Tuesday mornings, 9:15-11:00 a.m. and Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:45 p.m. Childcare is available for children ages 0-5 during the morning study only. Sign up and get your study workbook ($15) Sunday mornings, August 27, September 3, and 10, in the South Lobby before and after the morning service. We are eager to have you join us!

Contact Sarah Asire with questions.

Women’s Ministries Fellowship

Women’s Ministries Fellowship

Ladies, please join us on Monday, August 21, at 7:00 p.m. for a Women’s Fellowship, Seasons of Change and Our God Who Does Not! We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship, food, and resting in the truth that God does not change.  These fellowships provide an opportunity within the life of our church to deepen existing relationships and build new ones. During this gathering we will hear from Marianne Appleman and Sarah Asire as they discuss God’s immutability and how this truth comforts, sustains, and grows us during seasons of addition and loss, joy and pain, and bounty and lean. You will also have an opportunity to hear about and register for our fall Bible study, God of Covenant: Genesis 12-50 by Jen Wilkin. All ladies are welcome and encouraged to invite guests as well as your school-aged daughters.