Men’s Breakfast 2023

Men’s Breakfast 2023

All Heritage men are invited to our annual Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 4, at 7:30 a.m. in The Cave. We’re excited to welcome Jimmy MacPhee as our speaker. Jimmy has a testimony of God’s grace to him through terrible choices in his life resulting in over 40 years in prison. Come hear this story of grace and learn about Jimmy’s current ministry. One of our goals for this breakfast is to invite friends and contacts from our community who don’t know Christ, so think about who you will bring with you that morning. 

Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Pray. Ask God to use His Word to point men to Himself.
  2. Sign up. We need to know that you’re coming so that we can prepare adequate food. Please sign up no later than noon on Wednesday, November 1.

You are welcome to share this email as you invite your friends. We are looking forward to a great time together on Saturday, November 4.