Biblical Counseling

Growing and Changing Together

Our Aim

To stir up hope in the gospel, growth in Christ, and transformation in our relationships through God’s sufficient Word.

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.


Our Approach

It is easy to think of counseling as something that only happens in the counseling office, something for those who really need it. We like to say that counseling is not an add-on to church life but integral to our relationships as we seek one another’s spiritual good.

Christ the Wonderful Counselor

Christ alone, through the Scriptures, gives us the hope we long for and the change we need.

Growing and Changing Together

God is at work to change each of us, and so it is normal and healthy for us to struggle and strive for holiness together.

Every believer competent to counsel

Equipped with the Word of God, counseling is for all of God’s people for all of life and for all of Jesus’ disciples.


Counseling Classes

We want to equip a growing body of men and women for counseling within our church. To this end, we offer a variety of introductory and in-depth counseling classes.

Premarital Counseling

Marriage is the most intimate of human relationships. For that reason, it is not only a context for great disappointment, but also a means for great growth in Christ. Premarital counseling is offered to couples seeking marriage—and a proper way to position yourself for the blessing of marriage.

Counseling Services

We understand that there are times in life where you just need some helpful advice, you are struggling in an area of life, or you are looking for answers. It is our joy to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly come alongside and encourage you from the Bible. Contact the church office and we will serve you in any way we can.

Crisis Counseling

Even in our most difficult life struggles, the body of Christ is a place of refuge, help, and hope in intense times. God has gifted elders to shepherd the flock with care and concern during these times. One of our elder/shepherds is especially trained to come alongside and bring the help of God’s Word to particularly difficult situations.


We would love to answer any questions you may have about our ministry or how to get involved. Please contact us at