
Pursuing God’s Invisible spiritual work together

Our Aim

To plead with God to work in us, among us, and through us for his glory.

Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.

Ephesians 6:18

Our Approach

Prayer is the open admission that we need God. When we pray for God to work, we remember who he is and we renounce self-reliance.

Fervent prayers

We pray earnestly in communion with the God of heaven.

Regular prayers

We pray regularly, over and again, in planned and unplanned ways.

Big prayers

We pray to the God of the world and history, who is also the God of all power, able to do more than we can ask or imagine.


Praying Alone

We need God all the time, and so we want to be a church of Christians who pray all the time. Our prayers together benefit from and inform our private prayers. If it helps your focus to pray privately at the church, contact the church office about a regular time and location.

Praying as a Church

When we are all together, we pray. At our Sunday gatherings, elders and deacons lead us in a variety of prayers centered in the gospel. At our periodic Family Meetings, we pray as members in specific ways for our new and outgoing members, and for the strategic advancement of our shared mission. On most second Sunday evenings, we gather at 4:30 p.m. for Evening Prayer.

Praying in Smaller Settings

We pray in especially personal and specific ways for one another when we meet in Shepherding Groups. Leaders facilitate a time of sharing and prayer, at times pairing men with men and women with women. We also host a brief time of prayer on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room.

We pray in every other type of meeting at Heritage, seeking God’s work amongst us.


Have a Prayer Request?

Our church would love to pray for you whatever your need, big or small.