Women at Heritage

Pursuing God-honoring womanhood

Our Aim

To encourage women to grow in their personal walk with Christ and to equip them to use their unique gifts to strengthen and build up the whole body.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Our Approach

The work of Christ brings a beautiful unity to women of all backgrounds, ages, and stages in life. Christ is building a community of women who love and serve one another, and a church that values its sisters. While Shepherding Groups are the primary sphere for fellowship, including fellowship among women, the women’s ministry strengthens women for their unique part in the life of our church.

Equipping women with the Word

God is working through our women to make disciples within our church, and that includes being trained to study and teach the Word in a variety of contexts.

Sharing Stories of Grace

As women hear stories of grace, they will be encouraged by what God is doing in their sisters throughout our church.

Intergenerational discipleship

We want women of all ages to grow together in community as they form disciple-making connections with other women in the church.


Women’s Bible Studies

Through Women’s Bible Study, women will be equipped to study and understand the Word of God on their own. Studying together gives women an opportunity to encourage other women within large and small group settings.

Annual Christmas Brunch

Our annual brunch helps us prepare our hearts for the Christmas season through the encouragement of a godly speaker and fellowship with one another.

Periodic Women’s Gatherings

Women’s Ministries fellowships provide encouragement through fellowship with other believers and by hearing women speakers give testimony of God’s grace in their lives.

Bi-annual Ladies’ Retreats

Retreats give opportunities to build one another in the Lord and strengthen community. We also grow together as we hear solid teaching from guest speakers.


We would love to answer any questions you may have about our ministry or how to get involved. Please contact Sarah Asire at sarah@heritagegvl.com.