To Reach the Nations

Sending and going for salvation among the nations

Our Aim

To proclaim Christ in order to establish reproducing, indigenous churches among the world’s least reached peoples.

I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation.

Romans 15:20

Our Approach

The spread of the gospel among the nations is our primary ambition as a church. We want to see churches established among those who have limited or no access to the gospel. We want to see those churches led by their own people and replicating without outside help.

Passion for God’s glory

We are driven by the character of God and the desire for peoples from all nations to join us in glorifying God and enjoying Him forever.

Dependence in prayer

We are empowered by the Spirit as we plead with God to save the lost and use us in that work.

Whole body engagement

Every person in our congregation has a role to play in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Focused intentional partnerships

We strategically engage with like-minded believers who labor to produce fruit in accord with our missions philosophy.


We are continuously aligning our missions efforts with Jesus’ great commission. We’re looking at the Scriptures to discern God’s mission through the church. We’re looking back to remember what God has done through us. We’re looking around at our strategic opportunities and resources. Finally, we’re looking ahead for what God will do for his name among the nations.

Here are some ways to partner with us for the mission:


Pray for God’s Spirit to save men and women among the nations. This is ultimately his glorious work. We integrate prayer for God’s work in the world into our various gatherings, large and small. Your Shepherding Group will focus its global prayers on a specific place and missionary (or missionary family). Pray when you are with your group, and also pray throughout the week, in the car, at the dinner table, and before you go to bed.


Learn about God’s global purposes and about our plans to reach the nations. Pick up a book recommended at our Resource Center in the lobby, or look into a resource published on this page. Read about and reflect on God’s glorious plan to save sinners to the ends of the earth. Then, learn about our specific missions endeavors through prayer cards and update letters for specific missionaries which are available at the Missions Display in the North lobby.


Give yourself to this great mission: your resources, your talent, your treasure, and your time. As our plans mature for the gospel’s global advance we hope to leverage an array of our assets as a church for the nations. One strategic and ongoing way to give is financially. Your regular giving contributes to our global missions efforts. From time to time we present specific projects for support.


Occasionally, we offer short-term trips. These are a way to get a taste of God’s work in a specific part of the world. These trips help you pray effectively for and support more earnestly God’s work. For some, these trips are the beginning of long-term plans to go to the nations. If you are thinking about long-term missions work, we want to talk to you and pray about how your desires might dovetail with our missions blueprint.



We would love to answer any questions you may have about our ministry or how to get involved.