3-Week Electives

September 17 - October 1

About Electives

The purpose of our electives is to engage and equip the people of our church with the Word for the roles God has given them. The classes survey a variety of doctrines or topics, helping us to grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. We’re eager to dive into these studies with you.

During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page

Electives Map


Sundays, September 17 – October 1, 11:00 AM

Knowing God:

The Doctrine of the Trinity

Overview: We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—co-equal in power and glory, who has revealed Himself in the works of creation, providence, miracles, and especially in the inspired Scriptures. Our church confession proclaims that truth, and the universal church has likewise confessed and fought to guard this precious truth. In this class we’ll see how this revelation changes how we read Scripture, confess truths about God, worship, pray, and look to our eternal future. Join us as we grow in our knowledge and worship of our Triune God. 

Teacher: Tom Mackintosh

Week 1: Reading the Trinity in Scripture
Week 2: Confessing the Trinity in History
Week 3: Worshipping the Trinity


Killing Sin Every Day

Overview: The Scriptures promise us that if we “put to death the deeds of the body” we will “live (Romans 8:13).” But what does it mean to put the deeds of our bodies to death and what kind of “living” is God’s word talking about? So important are the answers to these questions that the great Puritan John Owen, in his classic treatise The Mortification of Sin, said, “The vigor, and power, and comfort of our spiritual life depends on the mortification of the deeds of the flesh.” Join us as we expand upon John Owen’s urgency by looking to God’s Word to understand His plan and power for killing sin.

Teacher: Jim Knauss

Week 1: What does it mean to mortify sin?
Week 2: Why do we need to mortify sin?
Week 3: How do we mortify sin?

Reading for Joy:

2 Peter

Overview: A few years after penning his first letter, the Apostle Peter once again wrote to his fellow believers. False prophets, clever teaching, and a weary impatience seem to have stirred up trouble. So Peter points them toward the glory of Christ, the trustworthiness of God’s Word, and the faithfulness of God to encourage their steadfastness and growth. Join us as we study 2 Peter together in this discussion-focused elective. Participants will learn the major themes of the letter and new skills for studying passages within the whole context of the Bible.

Teacher: Dan Rundle

Week 1: Introduction to 2 Peter and COMA Method; 2 Peter 1
Week 2: The Doctrine of Scripture; 2 Peter 2
Week 3: How to Read the Bible; 2 Peter 3

The Sign of Baptism

Overview: Our Lord Jesus commanded disciples to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is a beautiful, public profession of one’s faith in the Gospel and their inclusion in the Church. It’s also the way the church publicly identifies the disciples she makes in obedience to Jesus. If you have believed in Jesus and need to be baptized—or if you just want to learn more about what we believe about baptism—this baptism class is for you. In this class we will answer three questions: What is baptism? Who should be baptized? How do we practice baptism at Heritage? You’ll be given helpful resources and spend time with a Heritage pastor to learn about baptism and next steps for getting baptized at Heritage. Contact Pastor Trent with any questions.

Teacher: Trent Hunter

Week 1: What is baptism?
Week 2:
Who should be baptized?
Week 3:
How do we practice baptism at Heritage?