
Giving is one of the ways we express our "partnership in the Gospel" (Phil 1:4-5)

Other Ways to Give

Sunday Gatherings

If you wish to present your gifts in person, we have offering boxes in the lobby.

Mail Contributions

If you would prefer to send your contributions by mail, you may do so by making your check payable to “Heritage Bible Church” and mailing it to:

Heritage Bible Church
2005 Old Spartanburg Road
Greer, SC, 29650

Why We Give

Giving and church can be a touchy topic. It was in Jesus’ day. Perhaps that’s why nearly one quarter of his teaching was about money. Where we put our money reveals what we love in our hearts (Matt. 6:21).

Heritage encourages members and regular attenders to follow the biblical model of giving cheerfully (2Cor. 9:7) and sacrificially (Ps. 4:5). By doing so we renounce greed, remind ourselves that we are his, and partner together in advancing his purposes among us and through us (Phil. 1:5; Matt. 25:14-30).

Additional Information

All contributions given through this form are secure. Heritage does not see or keep any card or bank information. Year-end giving statements are sent out to everyone who has given online, via check, or having placed their name on a giving envelope with a cash gift. Contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 each year to be posted for that year’s contribution statement. Statements will be mailed in January and will note the tax deduction status of your gift. To request a contribution statement at any time, or if you have any questions about giving, email the church office at