
2021 Fall Classes

About Electives

As we seek to grow together, our church family pursues instruction and relationships. Sunday mornings at 11:00, Electives are the primary time for instruction. After the morning service, we gather in a variety of classes to learn practical ways we can grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. Electives run for varying periods of time, and our calendar year is divided into three sections or trimesters (winter/spring, summer, and fall) with breaks scheduled between. During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

12-Week Fall Elective

Sundays, August 29 – November 14, 11:00 AM

The Light of God

Overview: Did Jesus say, “I am the Light of the World” or “You are the Light of the World”? Actually, He said both of these important truths. In this class we will explore how God’s Light must become our light in order to dispel the darkness in the world and in our own hearts. We’ve examined The Love of God and The Life of God in previous sessions. Now we turn to The Light of God—how God is actively revealing His Glory to a desperate world, full of desperate people, who are in desperate need of light. We must learn to ride the sunbeam to the sun. Join us as we seek to let our light brightly shine so that all may see His Glorious Beauty.

Teacher: Greg Fox

6-Week Fall Electives I

Sundays, August 29 – October 3, 11:00 AM

Introduction to Islam:

Understanding the Religion of the Riau Melayu

Overview: Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population. Discover the challenges of reaching the Riau Melayu people with the gospel by learning more about the beliefs and practices of Islam. This elective will consist of video material about Islam combined with discussion about how best to communicate the gospel to Muslims. As part of the course, you will have the option of visiting a local mosque to observe the prayer ritual and hear more about Islamic beliefs. Come learn about the religion of the people we are trying to reach.

Teacher: Mark Vowels

Class Notes
August 29: Introduction to Islam
September 5: Mohammed (PowerPoint; Audio)
September 12: The Qu’ran
September 19: Folk Islam (PowerPoint; Audio)
September 26: Understanding Islam

Membership Matters

Overview: An orientation class that is essential for any Member who has not yet participated in the class or anyone wanting to become a Member of the Heritage Bible Church family. We believe that local church membership is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, and we will walk through the biblical foundation for membership, our Confession of Faith and Membership Covenant, as well as key aspects of body life at Heritage.

Teachers: Various Elders

6-Week Fall Electives II

Sundays, October 10 – November 14, 11:00 AM


The Reason for God

Overview:In these interesting times, it may seem harder than ever to have a meaningful discussion with those we meet about any issue, much less the Gospel. But God has called us to be faithful witnesses in this time and this place, so we must be “ready to give an answer to anyone who asks” as Peter tells us. This class will be a six-week video series based on Tim Keller’s book, The Reason for God. Each week there will be a 15-20 minute video followed by group discussion. The class will help you answer questions such as, isn’t the Bible a myth, hasn’t science disproved the Bible, why does God allow suffering, and others. There is a discussion guide that goes along with the video series available for a suggested donation of $5.

Leaders: Steve Hall, Dan Rundle

Reading for Joy:


Overview:How could David describe God’s Word as his delight (Ps. 119:174)? How could he say that the Scriptures were sweeter than honey and more precious than gold (Ps. 19:10)? Because in them he had glimpsed the beauty, majesty, power, and mercy of God Himself. That’s the reason we’re going to read the Word, specifically Ruth, together. This class is designed to equip each of us to read the Bible with another person, whether believer or non-believer. In fact, a goal for class participants is that you do outside of class what we do in class—invite another person to read Ruth with you just like we’re doing. Join us in this discussion-filled group effort to peer into the Scriptures so that we may find lasting joy.

Teachers: Kevin Johnson, Abe Stratton