2022 Fall Classes
About Electives
As we seek to grow together, our church family pursues instruction and relationships. Sunday mornings at 11:00, Electives are the primary time for instruction. After the morning service, we gather in a variety of classes to learn practical ways we can grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. Electives run for varying periods of time, and our calendar year is divided into three sections or trimesters (winter/spring, summer, and fall) with breaks scheduled between. During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.
Learn more on the Electives page.
Sundays, September 4 – October 9, 11:00 AM
Evangelism 101:
Sharing Your Faith with Boldness
Overview: Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” Well, in Scripture, every evangelist uses words, even our Lord! In this class, we will not only learn how to “use words”, but how to use biblically-faithful gospel words in a way that will prepare you to speak. We’ll look into the Scriptures for the theological underpinnings and the practical methods for sharing the good news with a long-time neighbor or a random person at the coffee shop. Come ready to discuss topics ranging from God’s sovereignty to conversation starters (“bridges”) in real-life opportunities. Our prayer is that no matter where you are in sharing your faith, you will leave this class with a new confidence and emboldened attitude to share the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world.
Teachers: Abe Stratton, Jim Knauss
Sitting with Grief
Overview: Lamentations is probably the most neglected book of the Bible, and it’s not hard to see why. It has a very specific historical context; it is filled with cries of pain; God does not speak; and there doesn’t seem to be much hope in the book. However, God has preserved the laments of his people because he is a deeply caring God. He weeps with us and sits with us in our grief. Lamentations can teach us how and when to use lament as we face hardships in life. Come learn to weep with those who weep, and if you are weeping, come learn how to lament.
Teacher: Mark Centers
Making Disciples:
Joining the King's Mission
Overview: The Bible tells us the story of God’s mission—His redemptive plan to gather a people for himself from every tribe and nation. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection make that mission a present reality; it’s happening! But before He returned to heaven, Jesus gave His followers an assignment—to join Him in gathering followers from every nation. In this class we’ll examine what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how joining His mission will shape our lives and relationships.
Teachers: Chris Gerber, Chad Asire
The Trinity:
Knowing and Adoring Our Triune God
Overview: In John 17, Jesus draws a connection between eternal life and knowledge of the one, true God. The good news of the gospel tells us how the three persons of our triune God have worked for our redemption, that we might indeed know the one, true God, worship Him, and enjoy Him forever. Join us for this 6-week elective as we seek both to know and to adore our triune God more deeply.
Teachers: Dan Cruver, Tom Mackintosh
Sundays, October 16 – November 20, 11:00 AM
The Heart of God:
Exploring the Very Heart of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Overview: Have you ever felt like we know God superficially? What would it be like to know Him and love Him deeper than ever before? What is in His very Heart and how does He communicate His Heart with ours? What passages of Scripture specifically display the Heart of the Father, the Heart of the Son and the Heart of the Spirit? And how do these powerful truths dispel the fears we hold onto in our hearts? Please join us as we wrestle with these questions together. Our class is designed to be engaging, thought provoking and interactive as we explore deeper into who God is (rather than what God is). God is love and bleeds compassion and empathy in ways we can’t begin to grasp. But the journey will be worth trying. An excellent resource to read ahead of time is Dane Ortlund’s book: Gentle and Lowly.
Teacher: Greg Fox
Membership Matters
Overview: An orientation class that is essential for any Member who has not yet participated in the class or anyone wanting to become a Member of the Heritage Bible Church family. We believe that local church membership is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, and we will walk through the biblical foundation for membership, our Confession of Faith and Membership Covenant, as well as key aspects of body life at Heritage.
Teachers: Various Elders
Reading for Joy:
Overview: You may be thinking, “Wait, how can the words ‘reading for joy’ and ‘lamentations’ go in the same sentence?” Great question! How could David describe God’s Word as his delight (Ps. 119:174)? How could he say that the Scriptures were sweeter than honey and more precious than gold (Ps. 19:10)? Because in them he had glimpsed the beauty, majesty, power, and mercy of God himself. That’s the reason we’re going to read the Word, specifically Lamentations, together. This class is designed to equip each of us to read the Bible with another person, whether believer or non-believer. In fact, a goal for class participants is that you do outside of class what we do in class—invite another person to read Lamentations with you just like we’re doing. Join us in this discussion-filled group effort to peer into the Scriptures so that we may find lasting joy.
Teachers: Kevin Johnson, Steve Hall
What in the World Is God Doing
(and How is HBC Involved)?
Overview: Join us as we look at overarching questions as well as practical application questions relating to missions. We seek to understand what is (and what is not) missions. We examine some basic Biblical theology of missions. We also look at the real world we live in and consider how timeless Biblical truth is best communicated in a fast-changing world. Finally, we consider the application of all of this to how we advance the gospel through our mission practice at Heritage Bible Church.
Teachers: Mark Vowels, Pete Hansen