


As we seek to grow together, our church family pursues instruction and relationships. Sunday mornings at 11:00, Electives are the primary time for instruction. After the morning service, we gather in a variety of classes to learn practical ways we can grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. Electives run for varying periods of time, and our calendar year is divided into three sections or trimesters (winter/spring, summer, and fall) with breaks scheduled between. During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page.

Spring Electives location map


Sundays, January 12 – April 5, 11:00 AM

Exodus 20-40:

Grace of the Law

Overview: God reveals his character to Israel and to us from Mount Sinai in Exodus. Come learn the significance of God’s Torah and the tabernacle from the perspective of ancient Israel, and delight in the understanding we have today of these Shadows (Hebrews 10:1).

Teachers: Mark Centers, Travis Fleshman

To the Nations:

Watching Paul Pursue Jesus’ Mission

Overview: Who was the Apostle Paul? What do we know about his life before Christ? How did he fulfill his calling as the Apostle to the Gentiles? We will examine the life and ministry of Paul as he passionately pursued Jesus’ expanding mission throughout the Roman Empire. Paul was a theologian, an orator, and a scholar; but primarily he was a missionary. Together we will learn from Paul’s experiences and see how his life models gospel power, gospel passion, and gospel priorities for us.

Teachers: Mark Vowels, Timothy Martin

Class Notes


Sundays, January 12 – February 16, 11:00 AM

Children’s Ministry Training and Prep

Overview: The children in our church family are precious gifts from God, and we desire to train them according to His Word. Come learn more about the philosophy of our Children’s Ministry, receive practical training for working with children, and assist in the preparation of materials for the children.

Leaders: Kevin Delp, Melissa McKinnon

Christianity Explored

Overview: Christianity Explored is a video series through Mark’s Gospel which presents a way of sharing the best news ever heard, and it gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life. Participants are asked to contribute $5 for the workbook and a copy of Mark. Invite a friend to join us for six sessions in this Gospel account as we find out more about the life of the Person at the heart of the Christian faith—Jesus Christ.

Teachers: Kris Fraley, Manny Figueroa

Marriage 101:

Revisiting Some Basics

Overview: Marriage is a beautiful gift of God, but the challenges it brings can seem complex. In this class we’ll focus on three foundational elements of marriage—the Creator, companionship, and communication. One week we’ll hear truths from Scripture, and the next we’ll discuss what we’ve heard and what we’re learning. Join us as we revisit key principles of God’s design for this wonderful relationship.

Teachers: Brad Hilgeman, Pete Hansen

Membership Matters

Overview: An orientation class that is essential for any Member who has not yet participated in the class or anyone wanting to become a Member of the Heritage Bible Church family. We believe that local church membership is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, and we will walk through the biblical foundation for membership, our Confession of Faith and Membership Covenant, as well as key aspects of body life at Heritage.

Teachers: Various Elders


Sundays, March 1 – April 5, 11:00 AM

Children’s Ministry Training and Prep

Overview: The children in our church family are precious gifts from God, and we desire to train them according to His Word. Come learn more about the philosophy of our Children’s Ministry, receive practical training for working with children, and assist in the preparation of materials for the children.

Leaders: Kevin Delp, Melissa McKinnon

God, Money, and Generosity

Overview: The Scriptures teach that God is a giving God; He has poured immeasurable riches on us through His Son. He has also entrusted many things to us (e.g. time, abilities, wisdom, money), but isn’t it easy to use these gifts for only our own enjoyment? Could it be that we are missing out on the very purposes God has planned for those resources? We ask questions like, “How much of what I have should I give?” instead of “How much do I actually need to keep?” Join us in this discussion group as we look at the Bible’s teaching on generosity and stewardship. The way you view “your” resources may never be the same again.

Teachers: Abe Stratton, Steve Hall

Making Disciples

Overview: The Bible tells us the story of God’s mission—His redemptive plan to gather a people for Himself from every tribe and nation. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection make that mission a present reality; it’s happening! But before He returned to heaven, Jesus gave His followers an assignment—to join Him in gathering followers from every nation. In this class we’ll examine what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how joining His mission will shape our lives and relationships.

Teachers: Nathan Gallion, Darren Gardner

Marriage 101.2:

Revisiting Some Basics, Part 2

Overview: This is a continuation of Marriage 101 from the first six weeks. The first six weeks is not required in order to take Part 2. Anyone is welcome to join!
Marriage is a beautiful gift of God, but the challenges it brings can seem complex. In this class we’ll focus on three foundational elements of marriage—the Creator, companionship, and communication. One week we’ll hear truths from Scripture, and the next we’ll discuss what we’ve heard and what we’re learning. Join us as we revisit key principles of God’s design for this wonderful relationship.

Teachers: Brad Hilgeman, Pete Hansen