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As we seek to grow together, our church family pursues instruction and relationships. Sunday mornings at 11:00, Electives are the primary time for instruction. After the morning service, we gather in a variety of classes to learn practical ways we can grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. Electives run for varying periods of time, and our calendar year is divided into three sections or trimesters (winter/spring, summer, and fall) with breaks scheduled between. During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Due to a number of factors, we will have only one elective class during the fall of 2020. The class will be held September 6 – November 22.

The Life of God

Overview: This class will explore how God’s Life is at work in the life of the believer.  Abundant life mentioned in John 10:10 is not found in improved circumstances or better health. It is found to the degree we realize the truth of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20—that we are not our own and that we’ve been bought with an incredible price. What does Jesus mean when he says in John 14:19: “because I live, you also will live?” Is this a promise only of heavenly glory or does it also have implications for us today, right now, as we navigate through this brief span of time? Last fall, we learned we love only because God first loves us and because His very love is in us. This fall, we will learn we live only because God first lives in us and His very life is in us. John 1:4 says that “in him was Life and the Life was the Light of men.”

Participation in “The Love of God” elective last fall is not necessary in order to participate in or benefit from this new class!

Teacher: Greg Fox

Class Notes
September 6: Introduction to God’s Life

September 13: Definition of God’s Life

September 20: God’s Life. . . in us

September 27: Life in the Trinity

October 4: Life of Knowing

October 11: Review and Testimonies

October 18: The Paradoxes of Life

October 25: The Word of Life

November 1: Food for Life

November 8: Life of Prayer

November 15: When Life Hurts