
2021 Summer Classes

About Electives

As we seek to grow together, our church family pursues instruction and relationships. Sunday mornings at 11:00, Electives are the primary time for instruction. After the morning service, we gather in a variety of classes to learn practical ways we can grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. Electives run for varying periods of time, and our calendar year is divided into three sections or trimesters (winter/spring, summer, and fall) with breaks scheduled between. During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page.

Summer Electives map

8-Week Summer Electives

Sundays, June 6 – August 1, 11:00 AM

The God Who Keeps Covenant

Overview: The covenants that God makes with his people are the backbone of the Biblical storyline; God’s promises hold the Bible and all of history together. As we examine God’s promises to his covenant people, we discover specific attributes of God Himself; His words reveal who He is. Come study the six covenants found in the Scripture and worship the God who keeps his promises no matter what.

Teacher: Mark Centers

The Meaning of Marriage:

A Vision for Married and Single People

Overview: Amid a culture which attacks marriage and in the face of crumbling marriages, Christ’s church has the opportunity to hold out God’s beautiful design. In this video series from Timothy and Kathy Keller, you’ll find a vision for marriage that is refreshingly frank and unsentimental—yet hopeful, beautiful, and relevant. Participants in this class should purchase their own copy of The Meaning of Marriage (by Timothy and Kathy Keller). You may do so before the class, or we will have a limited number of copies available for purchase in the class itself. Whether you’re single or married, we welcome you to join us as we discuss God’s glorious plan.

Leaders: Pete Hansen, Jason Read

Membership Matters

Overview: An orientation class that is essential for any Member who has not yet participated in the class or anyone wanting to become a Member of the Heritage Bible Church family. We believe that local church membership is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, and we will walk through the biblical foundation for membership, our Confession of Faith and Membership Covenant, as well as key aspects of body life at Heritage.

Teachers: Various Elders

Reading for Joy:

I Peter

Overview: How could David describe God’s Word as his delight (Ps. 119:174)? How could he say that the Scriptures were sweeter than honey and more precious than gold (Ps. 19:10)? Because in them he had glimpsed the beauty, majesty, power, and mercy of God himself. That’s the reason we’re going to read the Word, specifically 1 Peter, together. This class is designed to equip each of us to read the Bible with another person, whether believer or non-believer. In fact, a goal for class participants is that you do outside of class what we do in class—invite another person to read 1 Peter with you just like we’re doing. Join us in this discussion-filled group effort to peer into the Scriptures so that we may find lasting joy.

Teachers: Kevin Johnson, Dan Rundle