Let’s Sing!: “The Lord is My Salvation”
If our trek through Genesis is teaching us anything it must be this: there is no salvation in man, only in the Lord. The title of this past Sunday’s sermon, “The Lord Remembered Noah,” captures the heart of Genesis 6–9, and the anchor of our hope. To encourage you during the week and to help us all sing better […]
What it Means to Walk with God

In Sunday’s sermon from Genesis 4–6:8, “East of Eden,” we considered two ways to live outside the garden. We are not terribly surprised to discover the wandering way of Cain and the subsequent descent and spread of sin. We are caught off guard, however, by the record of Enoch, who “walked with God, and he […]
On Scripture Memory, Part 2: Some Encouragements and Exhortations

On January 6, Pastor Abe Stratton delivered the book of Hebrews from memory, in a sermon titled, “Looking to Jesus.” In Part 1, Abe discussed observations and benefits from memorizing a large portion of Scripture. In this second and final guest-post, Abe shares with us some encouragements and exhortations related to Scripture memory. ——— In this […]
We Have a Confession to Make

In Sunday’s sermon from Genesis 3, “Did God Actually Say?,” we watched sin enter the world through Adam’s attempt to dethrone God. We watched God drive the first human couple out of his presence, but not without the promise of One who would crush the head of the serpent. It is difficult to name a […]
Elder & Deacon Nominees 2019
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, February 24, at 11:00 a.m., Members will vote on Elders and Deacons for 2019-20. Nominees are listed below and a sample ballot is available for your review. Elder Nominees Barry Formanack Testimony: I grew up in Minnesota and our family attended a Lutheran church. One evening a neighbor invited […]
Is Eden Really a Temple Sanctuary?

Maybe you’ve heard it said that the garden in Eden is a temple sanctuary. Maybe, like me, that sounded at first like reading the temple into the garden. In Sunday’s sermon, “Naked and Not Ashamed,” from Genesis 2:4–25, I suggested that we may not initially see the temple in the garden, but the first readers […]