2024 Missions Conference

2024 Missions Conference

March 5–7, 2024

Modern Missions
in the Reformed World

2024 Spring Theology Conference

God calls his whole church to be engaged in his mission to cover the whole earth with his glory. The unsearchable riches of Christ and the eternal plan of God are being made known to the world through the church. So whether praying, sending, or being sent, every person in our congregation has a role to play in fulfilling the Great Commission.

On March 5-7, Heritage is hosting Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s conference Modern Missions in the Reformed World. This conference will help all of us think more biblically and strategically as we seek to establish churches among those who have limited or no access to the gospel.

Use the code Heritage when you register to reduce the cost from $130 down to $50. This cost includes meals and a few new books.

Recap of Greenville’s Fourth Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop

Recap of Greenville’s Fourth Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop

Preachers need help. We need help from God, for the work of preaching is a work that depends on the invisible work of God’s Spirit in both the preacher and the people. Preaching is more than content and craftsmanship. But we also need help from one another, which includes help to think rightly about preaching encouragement to stay in it. Timothy received both from the Apostle Paul: “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress” (1Tim 4:15). 

Help. That’s what we hope our annual preaching workshop offers to preachers in our region in partnership with The Charles Simeon Trust. From January 24–26 we were joined by 60 area preachers from 35 churches, including 30 lead pastors. Many names you would recognize, including Brad Baugham from Emmauel Bible Church and Abe Stratton from Bethany Baptist Church. Several preachers from churches in the neighborhood joined as well, including Marty Martin from Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Jim Wetterlund from Suber Road Baptist Church, and Mark Hatfield from Grace Baptist Church, Taylors.

Thank you for being a church that invests in these men and their congregations. 

Let me introduce you to one brother in particular.

Trevor Hoffman is the Teaching Pastor at Ridgewood Greer. Trevor and I have a friendship going back six years now. He joined us last year for the first time and came back this year. He’s a gentle brother who leads his flock with tenacity about the church’s mission and patient endurance in its pursuit. Trevor was a small group apprentice leader for this year’s workshop. I’ve asked him to share about himself, his church, and the workshop we just hosted.


1. Trevor, thanks for joining us at the workshop this year. You are preaching and pastoring at Ridgewood Church in Greer. That’s a new name for your church in a new location. Tell us the story of your Ridgewood, a church on the move. Oh, and why did you say I pastor in “Fake Greer”?

That’s right! I planted The Church at Greer Station back in 2014. We’ve met in every nook or cranny we could find. It’s been difficult at times, but we’ve been sustained by an immovable God. In his kindness, he gave us a “fixer-upper” facility in 2020. We renovated, put down roots, and changed our name to Ridgewood Church in September of 2022.

I like to call people in your area—that no-man’s land at the nexus of Greer, Taylors, and Greenville—”fake Greer.” I know the post office gives you a Greer address, but you’re not in the beating heart of the Greer like I am!

2. This was your second workshop. Why did you come back and what was different this second time around?

I came back, frankly, because of how humbled I was by the first workshop. It can be a challenge to get good feedback on your preaching. My church was generally encouraged by my teaching, I wasn’t getting negative emails (all that often, at least), and the church was growing. I had found a rhythm and maybe allowed a little pride to take root.

But when you’re forced to present material to sharp, Bible-loving brother pastors, weaknesses in preparation and presentation are exposed. Last year’s workshop was humbling for me. It showed that I had not arrived; that there’s always room for progress.

3. We shared six instructional sessions together, some on convictions required for biblical exposition and others on tools we need to go about the work. Which instruction was your favorite and how do you believe it will help your preaching?

My favorite instructional section was on structure. It helped me to see that I move too quickly through texts. Instead of pausing to see how the structure of the text clues us into the author’s emphasis, my tendency is to isolate a few insights from the text, then jump quickly into crafting the sermon. Instead, this section reminded me that the text itself tells you how it’s to be preached by careful attention to the details of its structure.

4. You spent six hours in a small group of men working on texts together. Tell us about one particularly “aha” moment you had together. I know this might take some work to recall and walk us through, but our church loves hearing of these moments.

The men in my group had a great time encouraging one another under the guidance of Abe Stratton, our group leader.

I was assigned Revelation 2:1-7, the Lord Jesus’ warning to the church at Ephesus. There Jesus commands the church to repent and return to “the love they had at first.” My sermon emphasized the promise at the end of the passage; the “conqueror” would “eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God.” What my group helped me to see was, though gloriously true, this promise is the not the primary word Jesus had for Ephesus. Jesus’ primary exhortation was, “repent!” My work came from the passage, but the main point of the sermon was not in complete alignment with the emphasis of the passage. This was such a helpful “aha” moment. There’s a main sermon point derived from a passage, and then there’s a main sermon point consistent with the main point of a passage. This distinction, though seemingly slight, is the difference between preaching that’s just informed by the Bible versus preaching truly rooted in the Bible. I’m thankful for the men who helped me to see this.

5. Our goal at these workshops isn’t perfection but progress. How did this year’s workshop help you make progress in your Word work?

It reminded me of my need to slow down in study. I can be presumptuous with familiar passages, assuming I already know what the author is saying and how I will preach it. Rather than slowing down to give careful, sustained attention to the text, I fly through my exegesis to get into crafting the sermon. This is a guaranteed path into biblically-informed, not biblically-rooted teaching.

6. How can we pray for you and your church?

We want to be like Heritage when we grow up! Heritage has a long legacy of sending plants, pastors, and sharing resources all while remaining faithful; we want that culture here!

Elder & Deacon Reaffirmations 2024

As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, March 24, at 4:30 p.m., Members will reaffirm the following Elders and Deacons for another two-year term of service.


Travis Fleshman

Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and was baptized around the age of five. When I was eleven, I attended a Christian camp, and was convicted of my sin. I repented and embraced the gospel. After years of wrestling, I was baptized as a believer, and have continued to grow since. My wife and I have been married for sixteen years and have four wonderful children. We continue to pursue God both individually and as a family, anticipating the day when we will finally be with Him.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Elder
  • Elder Vice Chairman
  • Shepherding Group Leader
  • Elective Teacher

John Gardner

Testimony: I was saved while in elementary school and have grown in the grace and knowledge of our Lord since then. My wife, Deanna, and I have been attending HBC for 35 years. I am a retired law enforcement officer and currently working at a bank.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Elder
  • Shepherding Group Leader
  • Elective Teacher
  • Safety Team Coordinator
  • Former Deacon
  • Former Impact Leader

Pete Hansen

Testimony: I grew up in the great Pacific Northwest. I graduated from Bob Jones University in the early 1980s, and have spent my career as a filmmaker and video producer. My wife Shelley and I have four grown children, and we have been at HBC for 25 years. A godly heritage runs deep in both sides of my family. My parents loved and lived Christ, so much so that I desired and accepted Him as my Savior when I was six years old. Spiritual growth and sanctification thus have been lifelong endeavors, and God continues, both through amazing providences and painful circumstances, to develop Christlikeness in me through His mercy-rich work.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Elder
  • Elective Teacher
  • Global Outreach Team
  • Music Team
  • Host Ministry
  • Former Shepherding Group Leader
  • Former Deacon

Kevin Johnson

Testimony: I had the privilege of being born and raised in a Christian home. As a young child I heard the Gospel and put my trust in Christ as my Savior. In my early teen years I had some doubts but gained assurance and know today that my faith in Jesus’ obedience to His Father on my behalf will result in eternal life in heaven.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Elder
  • Elder Chairman
  • Elective Teacher
  • Personnel Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Global Outreach Team
  • Shepherding Group Participant and Former Leader
  • Former Children’s Worship Teacher
  • Former Deacon Chairman

Dan Rundle

Testimony: By God’s grace I was born to Christian parents and came to Christ at a young age. I’m thankful for the influence of the AWANA ministry throughout my childhood which helped saturate my mind with Scripture. There are many times in my life when God has used difficulty to reveal my idols and deepen my dependence on Him. I’m amazed and humbled by His sustaining grace. Throughout my life He has grown my love for the church—it truly is a gift of grace to live in community with other Christians. Susan and I have been married for almost 19 years and have way too much fun with our four kids.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Elder
  • Elective Teacher
  • Personnel Committee
  • Former Shepherding Group Leader
  • Former Deacon


Milton Ashley

Testimony: I was born into a Christian family. I attended church since birth and heard the gospel for as long I as I can remember. My father was a pastor for most of my growing up years. One Sunday evening when I was quite young my mother led me to the Lord before we left to walk to church. We waited a few years for baptism because my parents wanted to be sure that I understood what it meant. They wanted it to be my public profession (not theirs for me), and I appreciate that. I have been involved in Christian education as a teacher and as an administrator since graduating from college. Currently I work at the BJU Press.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Deacon
  • Shepherding Group Leader
  • Facilities Committee
  • Host Ministry
  • Men’s Ministries Team
  • Offering Counting Team

Brian Burch

Testimony: I was saved as a child. God blessed me with Godly parents and an education with a biblical worldview. By His grace, I have had the honor of serving the Lord and others in many ways and situations over the years. As I have grown in Christ, the two seemingly simple commandments found in Mark 12:30-31 to love God and to love others as yourself have become increasingly rich and deep to me.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Deacon
  • Director of Technology
  • Shepherding Group Co-Leader
  • Facilities Committee

Doug Goldstrom

Testimony: I was born and raised in a Christian home. My parents were and still are both great examples of living for Christ and pursuing a walk with Him. Because of this influence I accepted Christ around the age of five. As time went on, I struggled with doubts and fear and prayed many more times for Christ to save me. In 1986 I entered the sixth grade and through my teacher and several messages from Pastor Conley, I realized I needed to be sure of my salvation. Since putting my faith in Christ at that time, Christ has erased all doubts of my salvation and my love for Him and desire to know Him continue to grow. I have been a child of God for the past 37 years and have attended Heritage for 40 years. I was baptized on October 26, 2014 to publicly display my salvation and desire and commitment to serve the Lord.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Deacon
  • Finance Committee
  • Host Ministry
  • Offering Counting Team
  • Shepherding Group Participant

John Grove

I was blessed to grow up in a godly Christian home and learn at an early age what Christ had done for me on the cross. At the age of 5, I accepted Christ as my Savior after a Sunday school lesson on heaven and hell, and subsequently talking with my parents that afternoon about my need for salvation. Later in life I struggled with doubts about my conversion, and God made it clear to me that my doubts were not because I wasn’t a believer, but because I had been living with hidden sin in my life. After making things right, confessing my sin to God, and getting counsel from my parents and pastor, God gave me the peace that comes with being reconciled to Him. After college, I met my wife Amber while working at Red Cliff Bible Camp in Pinedale, Wyoming. In 2015 I moved to Greenville, got married, and started attending HBC.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Deacon
  • Facilities Committee
  • Technology Team
  • Sunday Facilities Assistant
  • Shepherding Group Participant

Peter Selby

I was saved at the age of 4.  My parents had the opportunity to lead me and my older brother to Jesus on the same evening after we’d both heard several Sunday school lessons about salvation. While I don’t remember all of the details of that day, my assurance is in the promises of Jesus Christ that He has saved me by grace through faith alone–not in any specific details of anything I did that day, or even in my complete comprehension of the gospel at that time. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home. We began attending HBC in 1990 where I had the privilege of hearing the Word under Pastor Conley, then Danny Brooks, and now Trent Hunter. Now a family of four, we are excited about the continued opportunities for growth at HBC.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Deacon
  • Shepherding Group Participant and Former Leader
  • Host Ministry
  • Offering Counting Team
  • Nursery Ministry
Men’s Retreat

Men’s Retreat

We live in an age of anxiety, agitation, and angst. Homes, churches, and communities are wracked by turmoil and confusion. The need of the hour is for steady and sober-minded men of God who are rooted in Christ and therefore able to anchor their families, churches, and communities with gravity and gladness for the glory of God. At our Men’s Retreat weekend, Dr. Joe Rigney will set forth a vision of biblical manhood that is up to the challenges of our day. From personal holiness to productive households, we’ll explore what it means to Act Like Men.

Register today for our biannual Men’s Retreat on Friday and Saturday, April 12-13 at Look Up Lodge in Travelers Rest. This overnight retreat begins on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. with dinner together and will conclude Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Lodging and meals are included in the cost. Men of all ages, including middle school boys and older, are encouraged to attend.

Join your brothers for this time in God’s Word as we build deeper relationships with one another, encourage one another’s obedience to Christ, and rejoice in the good news of the Gospel together.