Men’s Bible Study 2022

Men’s Bible Study 2022

Men’s Bible Study 2022

Men, join us for our fall Bible study beginning Thursday, September 29. We will be looking into the book of Judges together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. There’s a lot of darkness and even more junk which permeates the book, but we’ll find that God’s steadfast love and mercy shine through it all. This study will help us to live as God’s men in our own time.

Since we’ll be working through the whole book in just 6 weeks, we’ll have our work cut out for us. Make sure that you sign up for the study on Sunday and purchase your book for $5. Then get a jumpstart on the study because you’ll need to have completed the first week when you come to our first meeting on September 29. Sign up and join your brothers for encouraging times in the Word and in prayer. The study continues through Thursday, November 3, and will meet in The Cave.

Email Abe Stratton with questions.

Men’s Breakfast 2022

Men’s Breakfast 2022

Brothers, join other men on Saturday, September 17, for our annual Men’s Breakfast. We’re excited to welcome Jose Alvarez as our speaker, and if you’re a baseball fan or historian, you’ll recognize his name from the 1980’s Atlanta Braves. Jose will share the incredible story of God’s work in his life. One of our goals for this breakfast is to invite friends and contacts from our community who don’t know Christ, so begin to think of who you could bring with you that morning. The breakfast will be in The Cave from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Sign up for the breakfast is online, including the option to pay the suggested $4 donation online. Please join us!

And Now for Your Questions

And Now for Your Questions

There are many voices out there competing for our attention. Some are babbling, some are asking questions, and some are offering answers. Social media and mass communication lends itself to church leaders not knowing who is asking what questions and lay members not knowing who to trust for answers.

One of my favorite things that we do as a church is our annual Elders’ Q&A. The people we worship with week-in and week-out ask questions to the same elders who have taught them and prayed with them year after year. We see many different gifts exercised at once. We get to know one another better. I love it. And I’d love to see you November 13 at 4:30 p.m.

What’s the Purpose of This Q&A?

This event is not in response to a crisis. This event is not for the airing of opinions. God’s charge to elders is to be prepared to apply and proclaim the Holy Word in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2). It reminds them of their charge to cherish Christ so much that they can answer with Christ at any time (1 Peter 3:15). It also gives individual elders an opportunity to minister to everyone all at once (1 Peter 5:2).

In bullet points here is why we host this evening each year:

  • To promote a culture of openness and vulnerability.
  • To model healthy question asking and answering.
  • To enhance our elders’ unity and insight into the ministry.
  • To clarify any ambiguities or gaps in our leadership for our members.
  • To instruct in biblical eldership and increase the visibility for our team.
  • To update the congregation on any timely projects or studies we’ve been working on.

We’ll plan for an hour and fifteen minutes. If your hunger is for more than answers, don’t worry. We will have supper together afterwards.

Get Us Your Questions by October 9

If you have a question—think doctrine, church life, plans for our shared mission, etc.—you can get it to us in a variety of ways:  

  • Text. Text your question to 864.735.7465.
  • Email. Email your question to
  • Write. Grab a Connection Card on Sunday, scratch out your question, and drop that in an offering box.
  • Form. Submit a question here.
  • Tell. Communicate your question for the Q&A to an elder in person or through email. They’ll ask you to write it down so that we don’t lose your intent in translation, but you’re welcome to start with a conversation.

We’ll also have some time available in the evening to answer questions from you in a more impromptu style.

As a help in this process, aim to submit your questions by Sunday, October 9. This lead time helps us notice recurring themes, know how to devote time to particular questions, discuss any topics as a team if needed, and order our time in a way that best serves the congregation. We’ll certainly consider any questions that come in after that date.

As a reminder, we won’t be able to answer every question that gets asked. However, if you put your name on a question and we did not answer it at the Q&A, we will reach out to answer that question for you in person or by email. In some cases, we may devote a blog-post to the topic.

Before the Q&A, get acquainted with Heritage’s elders at the About Page. Also, here’s the recap from 2019, 2020, and 2021 for those that couldn’t join us in previous years.