Today we are fortunate to be joined once again by Keith and Kristyn Getty and their band. But this time they join us with two guests: Matt Papa and Matt Boswell, two writers on the Getty’s Hymn Writing Team. Kristyn will host an event for children in the morning. Over lunch Keith and the Matts will gather with over eighty area pastors and church muscians. Then, in the evening we will sing our faith with brothers and sisters from throughout the region. If you’re joining us tonight and you’re not from Heritage, welcome!

This concert will be one of the first stops on their two-week tour including songs from their new album Our God Will Go Before Us

One of the songs on that album we intend to sing as a church is titled, “All My Boast Is In Jesus.” Matt Boswell tells the backstory to this song: 

But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. – Galatians 6:14

We live in an age of boasting. Everyone is expected to have a personal brand. Likes and retweets are our currency.

What does the cross of Jesus have to say about where we find our value, our worth?

The Apostle Paul talked a lot about boasting. He had an impressive résumé. But he considered it all worthless compared with the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. He explains in his letters how there is no room for boasting when it comes to our works (Eph 2:9), our righteousness (Rom 3:27), or any shining achievement in our past (Phil 3:1-11). Why? Because what room do we have to boast in the presence of the Almighty God? (1 Cor 1:29)

Instead of exalting self, Paul exhorts, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (2 Cor. 10:17). Rather than glorying in his accomplishments, Paul counts them as worthless in light of what Christ has done (Phil 3:9-11). In lieu of celebrating his strength, he boasts in his weakness, so Christ’s power gets the spotlight (2 Cor. 11:30) Beating at the heart of all this is an understanding that the greatness of Jesus is greater than anything this world has to offer, and the salvation he has brought to mankind is not earned but received by grace through faith alone. It is “not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph 2:8-9).

This new song, “All My Boast is in Jesus,” attempts to help us sing this truth of boasting in Christ and the salvation he accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. The prayer behind this song is that the Lord might retune our hearts from singing of self—and instead glory in Christ alone.

All my boast is in Jesus
All my hope is his love
And I will glory forever
In what the cross has done.

—Matt Boswell


Visit the Getty Music Store for the full lyrics