Good Friday & Easter

It should not surprise us that the death and resurrection of Jesus are the subject of Luke’s gospel account, not just the final few chapters. Jesus set his face to Jerusalem and his entire ministry is a determined mission to die and rise for sinners. For Easter weekend we will continue in our series through […]
Membership Matters

Membership Matters is an orientation class that is a prerequisite for anyone desiring to become a member of the Heritage Bible Church family. The class will be held during the 11:00 a.m. Elective hour, April 6 – May 25. We believe that local church membership is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, […]
2025 Women’s Retreat

Heritage ladies, join us for our upcoming Women’s Retreat, Friday and Saturday, April 25-26, at the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Seneca, SC. This retreat promises to be a refreshing and encouraging time of fellowship and spiritual growth. We’re thrilled to welcome Erin Wheeler as our speaker for the weekend. Erin, author of The Good Portion […]
Deacon Affirmation
On February 12, the Elders approved Aaron Mullenix as the candidate for Deacon of Children’s Ministry. At an upcoming Family Meeting, Members will be asked to affirm Aaron for this position. Deacon of Children’s Ministry: The Deacon of Children’s Ministry serves the body by assisting the Pastor of Children’s Ministry and the Elders in the […]
Men’s Study

What does it mean to humble yourself? Perhaps you’ve been humbled by interactions with other people or through a mistake you’ve made. Well, what we find from our loving God is that He intends for us to be humbled and that is part of His plan for our lives. We can be prepared for God’s […]
Women’s Bible Study

Heritage Women, we hope you will join us for our winter Bible study, Living the Truth: Belief and Behavior that Adorn the Gospel, a study on the book of Titus. The study will begin on Tuesday, February 11, and over the course of 8 weeks we will dive deeply into this short but theologically rich […]
Elder & Deacon Reaffirmations 2025
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, March 23, at 4:30 p.m., Members will reaffirm the following Elders and Deacons for another two-year term of service. Elders Kris Fraley Testimony: I grew up in a Church of Christ family where God was talked about, but not consistently modeled in a positive way. I knew […]
Scripture & Song

Join us for Scripture and Song: Joy Has Dawned on Sunday, December 8, at 4:30 p.m. As we spend the evening singing carols and reading Scripture, we will celebrate God’s redemptive plan for mankind through the coming of our Savior. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to hear the […]
Women’s Christmas Brunch

Ladies, please make your plans to join us for our annual Women’s Christmas Brunch on Saturday, December 7, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy a delicious brunch prepared by Peter Selby, followed by a talk from our dear sister and partner, Rachel Hansen. Rachel is a longtime member of Heritage and […]
Trunk or Treat – Oct. 25

We are excited to be able to host Trunk or Treat again this year on Friday, October 25. If you live in our community, we invite you to join us! In addition to lots of trunks with free candy, there will be free hot dogs and magic shows at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 p.m. Heritage […]
Men’s Breakfast

All Heritage men are invited to our annual Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, October 12, at 8:00 a.m. We’re privileged to have Dr. Mark Ross, Chair of Theology at Erskine Theological Seminary and the Associate Pastor for Teaching at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, as the speaker. Dr. Ross will reflect on his lifetime pursuit of theology and how […]
Men’s Bible Study

Men, our fall Bible study begins soon! As a follow up to last year’s study in 1 Samuel, we’ll be looking into the book of 2 Samuel together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. Heroes, villains, drama, and action. In our study of 2 Samuel we’ll see the reign of David, Israel’s greatest […]
Women’s Bible Study Fall 2024

Heritage women, we invite you to join your sisters for our fall Bible study through the book of Habakkuk. Though only three chapters long, this Old Testament book overflows with plagues, violence, and pleas for deliverance. Why does God ever allow evil to flourish? That’s what Habakkuk seeks to understand, and as he waits for […]
Women’s Ministries Fellowship

Ladies, please join us on Tuesday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m. for our Women’s Ministries Spring Fellowship. During our evening together, we will have the privilege to hear from a long-time member and mission partner, Brooke Illsley. Brooke serves with Jeremy and Bonnie Ruth Farmer in Cambodia. She assists the family with the homeschooling of […]
Praise in the Park

Sunday, June 2, we will gather at Greer City Park for our annual Praise in the Park! We will begin in the amphitheater at 5:30 p.m. for a time of singing and Scripture. Following the service, we’ll move down the hill near the picnic shelter for a church picnic. Heritage is providing subs, chips, cookies, […]
Elder Reaffirmation: June, 2024
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, June 2, at 11:00 a.m., Members will be asked to reaffirm Harry Clement for another two-year term of service as an elder. Harry Clement Testimony: I was not raised in a Christian home. I heard the gospel for the first time in high school but was not […]
An Evening with Keith & Kristyn Getty

We’re excited to once again to host Keith & Kristyn Getty along with their team for an evening of congregational singing on Friday, October 18, at 7:30 p.m. This concert will be one of the first stops on their two-week tour with special guests Matt Boswell and Matt Papa, including songs from their new album […]
Confessio: A Night of Hymns and Songs with The Gettys

We’re excited to once again be hosting Keith & Kristyn Getty along with their team for an evening of worship and praise on Friday, March 11, for their brand new hymns tour: Confessio: A diary of hymns and songs that underscore the Gettys’ Irish American journey. This collection is a ‘confessio’ in word and note of […]

This summer our 1st-6th graders will be studying the coolest book on the planet, God’s Word, at our Operation Arctic VBS, June 17-21, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Get ready for the thrill of exploring this one-of-a-kind treasure, since there is no other book like the Bible. It reveals the glory of God! Registration for VBS has […]
Luke: Good News of Great Reversals

Good Friday & Easter 2024

One of the most treasured texts in our Old Testament is Isaiah 53 where the prophet reveals the meaning of the death of “the servant,” who is the King and Messiah: “He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities.” But there is more detail here. In fact, this chapter speaks of […]
2024 Missions Conference

March 5–7, 2024 Modern Missions in the Reformed World 2024 Spring Theology Conference God calls his whole church to be engaged in his mission to cover the whole earth with his glory. The unsearchable riches of Christ and the eternal plan of God are being made known to the world through the church. So whether […]
Elder & Deacon Reaffirmations 2024
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, March 24, at 4:30 p.m., Members will reaffirm the following Elders and Deacons for another two-year term of service. Elders Travis Fleshman Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and was baptized around the age of five. When I was eleven, I attended a Christian camp, […]
Men’s Retreat

We live in an age of anxiety, agitation, and angst. Homes, churches, and communities are wracked by turmoil and confusion. The need of the hour is for steady and sober-minded men of God who are rooted in Christ and therefore able to anchor their families, churches, and communities with gravity and gladness for the glory […]
Men’s Book Study

Brothers, join other men in our upcoming Men’s Book Study. For six weeks starting Thursday, February 1, we will meet together at either 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. We will be reading and discussing the doctrine of sanctification using the book Deeper by Dane Ortlund. This book will help us see that we grow as […]
Women’s Bible Study Ephesians

Heritage sisters, we hope that you will join us for our winter Bible study in the book of Ephesians. This study will begin Tuesday, January 30, and we will be using Lydia Brownback’s study guide Ephesians, Growing in Christ. In this 10-week study, Lydia explores Ephesians verse by verse to help women understand the blessings […]
Scripture & Song – Dec. 10

Join us for a Christmas service, Scripture and Song, The Messiah has Come, Sunday, December 10, at 4:30 p.m. Through a lessons and carols format of music and Scripture readings, we will celebrate the story of God’s redemptive plan for mankind through the coming of our Savior. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to invite friends, […]
Women’s Christmas Brunch 2023

Ladies, please make your plans to join us for our annual Women’s Christmas Brunch, Oh, Holy Night, on Saturday, December 2, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy a delicious brunch prepared by Peter Selby, followed by a talk from our dear sister, Liz Stratton. Liz served as our Director of Women’s […]
Men’s Breakfast 2023

All Heritage men are invited to our annual Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 4, at 7:30 a.m. in The Cave. We’re excited to welcome Jimmy MacPhee as our speaker. Jimmy has a testimony of God’s grace to him through terrible choices in his life resulting in over 40 years in prison. Come hear this story of […]
Trunk or Treat – Oct. 27

We are excited to be able to host Trunk or Treat again this year on Friday, October 27. If you live in our community, we invite you to join us! In addition to lots of trunks with free candy, there will be free hot dogs and magic shows at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 p.m. Heritage […]
Men’s Bible Study: I Samuel

Men, our fall Bible study begins soon, and we’ll be looking into the book of I Samuel together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. We all serve someone or something. That someone or something will have our ultimate allegiance. After the period of the Judges, Israel wanted a king. They chose a king […]
Women’s Bible Study Fall 2023

Ladies, please join us for our fall Women’s Bible Study September 12 through November 14! We will be studying the last part of Genesis, chapters 12-50, using Jen Wilkin’s book, God of Covenant. Through this study you will discover how God orchestrates everything for His glory and the good of His people and see how […]
Women’s Ministries Fellowship

Ladies, please join us on Monday, August 21, at 7:00 p.m. for a Women’s Fellowship, Seasons of Change and Our God Who Does Not! We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship, food, and resting in the truth that God does not change. These fellowships provide an opportunity within the life […]
Elder Nominee
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Praise in the Park

Sunday, May 28, we will gather at Greer City Park for our annual Praise in the Park! We will begin in the amphitheater at 5:30 p.m. for a time of singing and Scripture. Following the service, we’ll move down the hill near the picnic shelter for a church picnic. Heritage is providing subs, chips, cookies, […]
Evening Prayer & Church Supper

On Sunday, March 12, we will gather at 4:30 p.m. for our monthly Evening Prayer. Following our prayer time, we will have a catered church supper. Come one or come all but come to pray. Chad Asire, one of our Shepherding Group Leaders, will preach a ten-minute sermon “Yahweh Who Sanctifies” in our evening teaching […]
2023 Women’s Conference: February 24-25

Hospitality: Welcome One Another HBC Ladies – you are invited to enjoy worship and fellowship together as we welcome our guest speaker, Abi Byrd, for our 2023 Women’s Conference. Come learn what it means to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). When you think of hospitality, perhaps […]
Elder and Deacon Nominees
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Men’s Study 2024

Technology pervades our world and our lives. We can hardly live a day without engaging it in some form. While advances in this field benefit us tremendously, technology also brings great challenges and even danger. How should Christ’s followers navigate these difficulties? How should we, as men, lead ourselves and our families through this minefield? […]
Women’s Bible Study Winter 2023

Ladies, we hope you will join us for our winter Bible study in the book of Psalms. Over the course of 9 weeks, we will study several Psalms that will teach us more about God, ourselves, and how we relate to Him in many of life’s varied circumstances. Through this study we will be better […]
Christmas at Halcyon

For a number of years we’ve reached out to our neighbors at Halcyon Apartments in a variety of ways. Through Family Fun Days, car washes, and personal acts of kindness, we’ve been building bridges for the Gospel. Sunday, December 18, we will celebrate Christmas with them. Join us at 5:00 p.m. on the green next […]
Women’s Christmas Brunch 2022

Ladies, please make your plans to join us for our annual Women’s Christmas Brunch on Saturday, December 3, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy a delicious brunch prepared by Peter Selby, followed by a talk from one of our elders’ wives, Anna Hilgeman. Anna has been teaching and discipling women in […]
Taylors Christmas Store

This holiday season our church will partner again with Community Mission Baptist Church (CMBC) to provide a Christmas Store for low-income families in the Taylors area. CMBC hosts this store at their church facility, 1950 Boling Road Extension. The store is based on the concept that families would prefer to provide for themselves at Christmas […]
Trunk or Treat – Oct. 28

We are excited to be able to host Trunk or Treat again this year on Friday, October 28. If you live in our community, we invite you to join us! In addition to lots of trunks with free candy, there will be free hot dogs and magic shows at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 p.m. Heritage […]
Men’s Bible Study 2022

Men, join us for our fall Bible study beginning Thursday, September 29. We will be looking into the book of Judges together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. There’s a lot of darkness and even more junk which permeates the book, but we’ll find that God’s steadfast love and mercy shine through it […]
Men’s Breakfast 2022

Brothers, join other men on Saturday, September 17, for our annual Men’s Breakfast. We’re excited to welcome Jose Alvarez as our speaker, and if you’re a baseball fan or historian, you’ll recognize his name from the 1980’s Atlanta Braves. Jose will share the incredible story of God’s work in his life. One of our goals […]
Women’s Ministries Fellowship

Ladies, please join us for our Women’s Ministries Fellowship on Monday, August 29, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be introducing the new season of events and programs for women at Heritage, so you won’t want to miss it! In addition to general information about our Women’s Ministries, you will have an […]
Women’s Spring Fellowship 2022

All ladies are invited to our Women’s Spring Fellowship on Monday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. That evening we will have the privilege of hearing from one of our mission partners, Marla Allston. Marla will be sharing her story of God’s grace in her life, including many of the things she […]
Easter 2022

We’ve been working through the book of Leviticus on Sunday mornings. On Good Friday and Easter Sunday we will continue with our series, showing how this ancient and at times obscure book makes sense of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even more importantly, we will see how the death and resurrection of Jesus […]
Elder and Deacon Nominees 2022
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, March 24, at 4:30 p.m., Members will reaffirm the following Elders and Deacons for another two-year term of service. Elders Travis Fleshman Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and was baptized around the age of five. When I was eleven, I attended a Christian camp, […]
Shepherding Groups

Strong relationships with other brothers and sisters are essential to following Jesus. Our God intends that we live life alongside of and with each other as we walk together toward our Savior. Shepherding Groups are the relational hub for our church family and the heartbeat of our life together. In a church our size we […]
Men’s Bible Study Fall 2022

“Does God really love me? What is my driving purpose in life? How can I get victory over my recurring struggles?” These are the kinds of questions which humans face, and followers of Christ are not immune to them. As men, we have a sense that we should live with confidence and have things put […]
Men’s Retreat 2022

REGISTRATION & SCHEDULE INFORMATION There are a number of lies which our culture feeds us as men. One is that we can do what we want without any ramifications for ourselves or for those around us. Another is that we can disengage from others and have a successful and satisfying life; we can live on […]
Women’s Bible Study

All ladies are invited to join our 10-week Bible study based on Jen Wilkin’s study, God of Creation: A Study of Genesis 1-11, beginning Tuesday, February 1. “It all began with the Word. The opening chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and […]
Trunk or Treat – Oct. 29

We are excited to be able to host Trunk or Treat again this year on Friday, October 29. If you live in our community, we invite you to join us! In addition to lots of trunks with free candy, there will be free hot dogs and magic shows at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 p.m. Heritage […]
Men’s Bible Study 2021

In a world with so many conflicting opinions and ideas, how do we know a path forward? How do we know how to live as godly men in our world? James’ short letter in the New Testament provides us with snapshots of true faith in action, and we’ll study it together in our Fall Men’s […]
Men’s Breakfast 2021

This year marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a day which is fixed in many minds. We are glad to welcome a special speaker, Steve Scheibner, for our Fall Men’s Breakfast. Steve is an airline pilot who was supposed to fly one of the planes which crashed on 9/11; however, his seat was taken last-minute […]
Women’s Bible Study – Fall 2021

Do you ever feel that God is hidden from you? Do you look around at your circumstances and wonder if God will keep his promises to you—promises to keep you, guard you, deliver you? The Jewish exiles in the days of Queen Esther undoubtedly had some of these thoughts and feelings as they lived under […]
Gospel-Saturated Living Seminar

This one-day seminar that will examine from 30,000 ft. the theme of gospel-saturated living as found in John’s first letter. One of John’s major concerns is that Christians daily live with gospel assurance. This is because one of Satan’s primary aims is to destroy the assurance of believers. If he can do that, then we […]
Family Meeting – 7.25.21

Our next Family Meeting is just over a week away on Sunday, July 25, at 4:30 p.m. Our time together will include updates from our Children’s Ministry, our partnership with the Riau Melayu, and welcoming of new members. We will also have a members’ vote on allocating missions funds. In addition, we are excited to share […]
Men’s Cookout

Brothers, join men of all ages for a cookout on Saturday, June 19. We’ll gather at 1925 Fairview Road, Fountain Inn, SC, at the property of a friend of Heritage. Come as early as 2:00 for lawn games, hiking, fishing, and other activities. Food will be served around 4:30. After hearing some brief comments from […]
Women’s Ministries Summer Fellowship

Ladies, we invite you to join us Tuesday evening, June 29, for our Women’s Ministries Summer Fellowship. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. to hear from Rachel H., one of our oversees partners. There are many ways that we as a church seek to support and encourage those who go out […]
Praise in the Park 2021

Due to inclement weather two years ago and Covid last year, it’s been some time since we’ve enjoyed Praise in the Park. We are eager to resume this tradition on Sunday evening, May 23. We’ll meet outdoors at Greer City Park in their amphitheater at 4:30 p.m. for a time of singing and hearing the […]
Women’s Ministries Spring Fellowship

All ladies and young ladies are invited to join us April 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for our Women’s Ministries Spring Fellowship. We will spend a good portion of the evening getting to know one of our long-time members, Donna Lawrence. Donna will share her story of grace and give us an […]
Elder and Deacon Nominees 2021
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Men’s Bible Study Spring 2021

A.W. Tozer famously said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” The trouble is that there are significant barriers to thoughts of God even entering our minds. First, our hectic lives and busy culture hardly allow room for us to think about God. We are […]
Women’s Bible Study: James

What is our only hope in life and death? Although we know the answer is Christ, after a difficult year, we may be left with many practical questions. Is Christ our only hope even when we are not feeling hopeful or happy? Is our faith enough to sustain us in difficult times? The book of […]
Men’s One-to-One Bible Study

The book of Daniel can seem mysterious. There are lands and people quite foreign to us, stories which seem unbelievable, and visions which are downright strange. In a recent sermon series we explored the first four chapters of Daniel and saw the mighty power and reign of God over the affairs of this world and […]
Women’s Fall Bible Study

For many of us, Psalms is a favorite book of the Bible—and for good reason! While we won’t be able to cover every psalm this semester, we’ve selected nine psalms to help learn some ways to see the Psalms with even deeper appreciation and awe for the God who wrote them for us. For this […]
Coronavirus Updates
Plans for Resuming our Sunday Gathering! Updated May 13, 2020 We are planning to resume our Lord’s Day services this coming Sunday. Visit the Heritage Resume page to learn about our plans for Sunday. That page is to-the-point, but some of our thinking and details are on Pastor Trent’s blog post, “Together Again, this Sunday: Why and How.” […]
Building Bridges, A Conference for Sharing Our Faith Due to the coronavirus situation Christianity Explored has canceled this year’s conference. However, we anticipate hosting the conference on April 17, 2021. Bridges. They come in all different sizes and kinds. They cross different types of obstacles. They’re also a great picture for the kind of thing we want to build into the lives […]
To the Nations
To the Nations: Watching Paul Pursue Jesus’ Mission (Winter/Spring Electives 2020) Who was the Apostle Paul? What do we know about his life before Christ? How did he fulfill his calling as the Apostle to the Gentiles? We will examine the life and ministry of Paul as he passionately pursued Jesus’ expanding mission throughout the […]
2020 Men’s Retreat

True Friendship Friendship. Making friends. Being a friend. These are concepts that even children recognize as important to our human experience. God has made us relational beings; He made us for friendship with Himself and with others. Yet our culture and our own sinful tendencies undermine these vital relationships. Come and hear pastor and author, […]
Elder & Deacon Nominees 2020
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, February 23, at 11:00 a.m., Members will affirm Elders and Deacons for 2020-21. Nominees are listed below and a sample ballot is available for your review. Elder Nominees Lewis Carl Testimony: I had the privilege to grow up in a Christian home where the Gospel was not only given […]
Elder and Deacon Nominees 2020
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Dispatches from the Front Screening

Dispatches from the Front: Luke’s Dispatches During our 11:00 a.m. Elective hour on Sunday, November 24, we will travel with Tim Keesee as Dispatches from the Front goes to the Middle East, where Luke wrote of Gospel advance in the first centuries—stories which continue to unfold in our day. This new six-episode series, Luke’s Dispatches, opens in the […]
Women’s Fall Bible Study

The Bible is often summarized as creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. But we’re destined for more! From the beginning, God’s story has been headed toward consummation and glory. Guthrie traces nine themes that reveal God’s plan for a new creation that’s far more magnificent than the original—and explains how to recognize signs of it now. […]
Christmas in July

Christmas in July is coming on Sunday, July 14, during the 11:00 hour! This is an annual opportunity for us to encourage our mission partners through personal notes and financial gifts. How can you participate? First, consider donating to our Christmas offering for our mission partners. Simply mark an offering envelope with “Christmas in July” […]
Elder & Deacon Nominees 2019
As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, February 24, at 11:00 a.m., Members will vote on Elders and Deacons for 2019-20. Nominees are listed below and a sample ballot is available for your review. Elder Nominees Barry Formanack Testimony: I grew up in Minnesota and our family attended a Lutheran church. One evening a neighbor invited […]
New Men’s Study: Hide or Seek

Men, you are invited to the Men’s Study that begins February 7. God’s gift of sexuality is beautiful and powerful. In His Word God gives commands, blessings, warnings, and judgments about sexual activity. Sex is one of the strongest areas of temptation and sin for us.
2019 Ladies’ Retreat: February 22-23

All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment HBC Ladies–you are invited to enjoy worship and fellowship together as we welcome our guest speaker, Hannah Anderson, for our 2019 retreat. Join us as we learn the lost art of discernment. Looking out over the world today, it seems a far cry from God’s original […]