On Sunday, March 12, we will gather at 4:30 p.m. for our monthly Evening Prayer. Following our prayer time, we will have a catered church supper. Come one or come all but come to pray. Chad Asire, one of our Shepherding Group Leaders, will preach a ten-minute sermon “Yahweh Who Sanctifies” in our evening teaching series, Walking in His Name. As Jesus did with His disciples at the end of the night on the eve of His arrest, we’ll close with a hymn. But the rest of the time we’ll be praying together for God to work in our lives, in the life of our church, and through our church for His name. Childcare will be available for children up through preschoolers. 

In order to make adequate preparations, we need a count for the meal. We must have an accurate count for the food no later than 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 8, so please sign up below and make your plans to join us!