There are a number of lies which our culture feeds us as men. One is that we can do what we want without any ramifications for ourselves or for those around us. Another is that we can disengage from others and have a successful and satisfying life; we can live on our own and be just fine. However, God gives us very different messages in His Word. What we take in undeniably affects what comes out of us. What we take in shapes us and shapes our interactions with everyone we touch.

On Friday and Saturday, February 18-19, we’ll host David Mathis for our biannual men’s retreat. David will explore the theme “Feed” with us. As men God has made us to feed others through our loving leadership, but the only way we can fulfill our God-given roles is if we feed ourselves as God intends.

Men of all ages are invited. We’ll kick off our weekend at the church property on Friday evening with a special dinner, and on Saturday we’ll meet at Look Up Lodge in the beautiful hills of Travelers Rest. Join your brothers for this special time together.