As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, March 23, at 4:30 p.m., Members will reaffirm the following Elders and Deacons for another two-year term of service.

Kris Fraley
Testimony: I grew up in a Church of Christ family where God was talked about, but not consistently modeled in a positive way. I knew about Jesus, but did not know I needed to have a personal relationship with Him. As a junior at The Ohio State University, I worked in a part-time position alongside Kathy, the lady who first spoke to me concerning my need of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. As God was drawing me, I began attending her church along with my now wife, then girlfriend, Mary. Kathy invited us to a praise and worship concert at her church where Christ was presented in word and song. I was impressed with the joy and peace displayed by the vocalists in their testimony. During the personal invitation at the end of the concert I made the decision to repent of my sin and trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, based on the truth I’d heard from Kathy, the preaching pastor of the church, and my own search of the Scriptures. For by grace I have been saved through faith. And this is not my own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Since then, by God’s grace, I’ve been privileged to serve the Lord in various ways, and I continue to grow and mature in Him. In my current season of life, I earnestly desire to be a minister of God’s grace to families who gather in the name of the Lord Jesus, especially at Heritage Bible Church. This one thing I know and onto which I hold tightly—our God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is always good!
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Shepherding Group Leader
- Elective Teacher
- Host Ministry
- Finance Team
- Personnel Team

Steve Hall
Testimony: I was blessed to be born into a Christian home in Pennsylvania where the influence of the Gospel was shared from multiple angles throughout my life. When I was five our pastor was ending a message on the need for forgiveness of sin, the power of salvation, and the joy of spending eternity in heaven. As he concluded the service asking if anyone wishing to be saved would come forward, I made my way to the front of the church. He walked me through the plan of salvation in very simple terms, and I accepted Christ as my Savior and was later baptized. My family moved to Greenville where I attended 2nd grade through college all at Bob Jones University graduating with a degree in Business. My journey with Christ is now 53 years in the making and there have been so many growth spurts along the way where God in His kindness has stretched my faith only to reveal deeper levels of His grace, mercy, and love for me as His child. We are now in our 34th year at Heritage, and I have no greater desire than to be plugged into the lives of others so that iron can sharpen iron!
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Elective Teacher
- Host Ministry
- Personnel Team
- Nursery Ministry

Sandy McCormick
Testimony: God allowed me to hear and respond to the gospel in 6th grade. The Lord used several verses in Romans to help me understand I was a sinner, Christ died for my sins, and I should confess Him as Savior. After that confession, I was baptized. My wife Karen and I are blessed with three adult children and six grandchildren. We are both retired and have been involved at Heritage for about four decades. It’s a privilege to worship God, grow spiritually, and help advance the gospel with our Christian brothers and sisters at Heritage.
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Elective Teacher
- Senior Adults Ministry
- Nursery Ministry

Kevin Johnson
Testimony: I had the privilege of being born and raised in a Christian home. As a young child I heard the Gospel and put my trust in Christ as my Savior. In my early teen years I had some doubts but gained assurance and know today that my faith in Jesus’ obedience to His Father on my behalf will result in eternal life in heaven.
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Elder Chairman
- Elective Teacher
- Personnel Committee
- Finance Committee
- Global Outreach Team
- Shepherding Group Participant and Former Leader
- Former Children’s Worship Teacher
- Former Deacon Chairman

Dan Rundle
Testimony: By God’s grace I was born to Christian parents and came to Christ at a young age. I’m thankful for the influence of the AWANA ministry throughout my childhood which helped saturate my mind with Scripture. There are many times in my life when God has used difficulty to reveal my idols and deepen my dependence on Him. I’m amazed and humbled by His sustaining grace. Throughout my life He has grown my love for the church—it truly is a gift of grace to live in community with other Christians. Susan and I have been married for almost 19 years and have way too much fun with our four kids.
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Elective Teacher
- Personnel Committee
- Former Shepherding Group Leader
- Former Deacon

Tom Mackintosh
Testimony: I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and church—through both of which I was faithfully taught the gospel. I came to Christ and was baptized at a young age. Since then, the Lord has faithfully continued His work in me to grow me in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I have been blessed to be at Heritage together with our two children for nearly the past ten years.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Shepherding Group Leader
- L3inC Sponsor
- Benevolence Committee

Chris McCarnan
Testimony: As a young man of 19, God brought me to Himself through the witness of a Christian friend and his recommended reading of God’s Word and prayer. Gradually, light dawned in my dark brain showing me I was a sinner, that God had loved me even before I started seeking Him, that He had not withheld His only Son, Jesus, to pay for my sins with a death I deserved and He did not. On the evening of February 19, 1973, in the chair I had done all my Bible reading in, I asked God to save me and make me His forgiven child. My wife Susan and I have four grown children with wonderful spouses, along with six grandchildren. I spent my career working as an accountant in the public and Christian university sphere. I retired in 2024 from Bob Jones University. I enjoy playing guitar and a few other musical instruments, playing disc golf, and studying theology. We hope to serve in the future in Western Asia, when and for as long as God allows. We have been members of Heritage since 2017, and I am honored and grateful to have the opportunity to serve as a deacon at Heritage for as long as God allows.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Host Ministry
- Benevolence Committee
- Finance Committee
- Safety Team
- Offering Counting Team

Doug Goldstrom
Testimony: I was born and raised in a Christian home. My parents were and still are both great examples of living for Christ and pursuing a walk with Him. Because of this influence I accepted Christ around the age of five. As time went on, I struggled with doubts and fear and prayed many more times for Christ to save me. In 1986 I entered the sixth grade and through my teacher and several messages from Pastor Conley, I realized I needed to be sure of my salvation. Since putting my faith in Christ at that time, Christ has erased all doubts of my salvation and my love for Him and desire to know Him continue to grow. I have been a child of God for the past 37 years and have attended Heritage for 40 years. I was baptized on October 26, 2014 to publicly display my salvation and desire and commitment to serve the Lord.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Finance Committee
- Host Ministry
- Offering Counting Team
- Shepherding Group Participant

John Grove
I was blessed to grow up in a godly Christian home and learn at an early age what Christ had done for me on the cross. At the age of 5, I accepted Christ as my Savior after a Sunday school lesson on heaven and hell, and subsequently talking with my parents that afternoon about my need for salvation. Later in life I struggled with doubts about my conversion, and God made it clear to me that my doubts were not because I wasn’t a believer, but because I had been living with hidden sin in my life. After making things right, confessing my sin to God, and getting counsel from my parents and pastor, God gave me the peace that comes with being reconciled to Him. After college, I met my wife Amber while working at Red Cliff Bible Camp in Pinedale, Wyoming. In 2015 I moved to Greenville, got married, and started attending HBC.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Facilities Committee
- Technology Team
- Sunday Facilities Assistant
- Shepherding Group Participant

Peter Selby
I was saved at the age of 4. My parents had the opportunity to lead me and my older brother to Jesus on the same evening after we’d both heard several Sunday school lessons about salvation. While I don’t remember all of the details of that day, my assurance is in the promises of Jesus Christ that He has saved me by grace through faith alone–not in any specific details of anything I did that day, or even in my complete comprehension of the gospel at that time. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home. We began attending HBC in 1990 where I had the privilege of hearing the Word under Pastor Conley, then Danny Brooks, and now Trent Hunter. Now a family of four, we are excited about the continued opportunities for growth at HBC.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Shepherding Group Participant and Former Leader
- Host Ministry
- Offering Counting Team
- Nursery Ministry