Listening to Hebrews

The book of Hebrews was read out loud before it was ever read in a Bible with binding. But this book was not only written to be read out loud, it is itself a written sermon. In this sermon we will get a sense for how this book may have sounded on the ears of the first hearers. More importantly, we hear the book in one sitting as God’s Word for us as Pastor Abe Stratton recites the book from memory.
Encouragement for Exiles

Suffering. Slandered. Insulted. Maligned. Tested. These are some of the words which Peter uses to describe the life of one chosen by God who is living on this earth. We’re not home, and we feel it. Our time on our pilgrimage is not comfortable, and our response to these trials is far from easy. But the apostle offers us grace for the road and peace for our souls. He does this by turning our gaze upward and forward. Far from making us ignore our suffering, this perspective makes us better able to live in the rough and tumble now. We’ve been soaking in 1 Peter for a number of months, and we’re almost done. In this sermon we’ll hear the whole letter at once as Abe Stratton recites it for us.
Jesus, You, and Surprising Mercy

Life can be crushing; difficulties and anxieties surround us and press in on us. But Psalm 118 reminds us that the God who set his love on his people will not let them be destroyed. In unexpected ways he provides a way out. This will be our final sermon in our short series, The Psalms, Jesus, and You.
Jesus, You, and a Royal Wedding

The beauty of the Psalms is that they capture so many of our human emotions. As we hurt, as we walk through darkness, as we grieve, as we are angry, these God-given texts give expression to our deepest pains. However, they also provide us with expressions of unbounded celebration and joy. They pull our eyes and hearts up and remind us of the glories which are real and which are coming. Through this sermon we get to participate in a wedding celebration—a Psalm so full of beauty and light and festivity that we can’t help but join in.