The Servant’s Invitation

Isaiah 55-55

About the Sermon

What is the first thing we must do upon hearing and receiving the work of God's servant? We must sing! Singing is the sound of God's forgiveness and transforming work breaking into our lives. After each Servant Song, Isaiah has called on us to sing. Now devotes a stretch of two chapters, chapters 54–55, to that very cause. Maybe singing is more important than we thought. Maybe our Lord loves to hear our voices more than we have imagined.

About the Series

How did Jesus learn about who he was and what he came to do? How did those who wrote about Jesus in the New Testament Scriptures come to fully grasp the significance of his death and resurrection? From the Old Testament Scriptures and from the book of Isaiah in particular. In this short series we turn to what are often called the Songs of the Servant in the book of Isaiah. Many years before Christ came, Isaiah told us what our savior came to do and why: to grant us forgiveness and life. Or, put another way, to bring rebels from the wilderness of sin and death into the paradise of life with him.
How did Jesus learn about who he was and what he came to do? How did those who wrote about Jesus in the New Testament Scriptures come to fully grasp the significance of his death and resurrection? From the Old Testament Scriptures and from the book of Isaiah in particular. In this short series we turn to what are often called the Songs of the Servant in the book of Isaiah. Many years before Christ came, Isaiah told us what our savior came to do and why: to grant us forgiveness and life. Or, put another way, to bring rebels from the wilderness of sin and death into the paradise of life with him.

Sermons in the Series