Evening Prayer & Church Supper

On Sunday, March 12, we will gather at 4:30 p.m. for our monthly Evening Prayer. Following our prayer time, we will have a catered church supper. Come one or come all but come to pray. Chad Asire, one of our Shepherding Group Leaders, will preach a ten-minute sermon “Yahweh Who Sanctifies” in our evening teaching […]

Recap of Greenville’s Third Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop

What’s at stake in the preacher’s work? Quite a bit actually. That’s why we host a preaching workshop every year for preachers in the Upstate, a partnershop with The Charles Simeon Trust. Our Lord loves us so much that he calls our preachers to this kind of careful work. 

2023 Women’s Conference: February 24-25

Hospitality: Welcome One Another HBC Ladies – you are invited to enjoy worship and fellowship together as we welcome our guest speaker, Abi Byrd, for our 2023 Women’s Conference. Come learn what it means to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). When you think of hospitality, perhaps […]