Welcome to Heritage Bible Church

Christ Alone.
Christ Enough.

Plan Your Visit

Gathered Worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

2005 Old Spartanburg Rd, Greer, SC

At Heritage Bible Church we’re all about Jesus Christ. We gather each week to sing to him, to pray in his name, and to receive his Word as we read it and hear it preached. He is rescuing sinners the world over, and we are an outpost of his kingdom.

Current Sermon Series

We are committed to preaching verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book, all to discover the riches of Christ in the Scripture.

Pastor Trent’s Blog

Elder QA

Elder Q&A 2024 Recap

On November 10, we hosted our sixth annual Elders Q&A. Thank you for your thoughtful questions. Our church is marked by Christ’s love, gratitude to our God, and a relationship of trust between our congregaton and our elders. You are a joy to lead even on the hard days. That’s owing in part to your faithful submission to your elders as we lead you in the Word (Heb. 13:17). 

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Service Times

Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m. — Learn more about our Worship

Electives, 11:00 a.m. — Learn more about Electives

Evening Prayer, 4:30 p.m., 2nd Sunday of the monthLearn more about Prayer

Shepherding Groups meet in homes in the afternoon or evening, 1st & 3rd Sundays — Learn more about Shepherding Groups

Childcare provided for children ages five and under during all services. Children’s Church offered for 1st – 3rd graders during the morning worship service during the school year — Learn more about our Children’s Ministry.

What to Expect

Whether you’re new to church, or visiting from out of town, we want you to feel welcome at Heritage. Here’s what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Questions: Connection Centers are near each entrance where you can ask any questions when you arrive.

Children: We provide free childcare for children—from newborns to age five. Our childrens’ workers are screened for safety purposes so that parents can be reassured as they leave their children in the nursery or children’s wings. During the school year, Children’s Church is offered for 1st-3rd graders as part of the morning worship service, which starts when the sermon begins. The children meet with the adults in the auditorium and are dismissed safely to their place of worship just before the sermon begins.

Worship Service: Our worship service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes.
Our desire is to bring great praise to our glorious God through the gospel of Christ. We’ll sing together (we sing old and new songs and hymns), hear the Word read and preached, and be led in prayer.

Preaching: We preach through books of the Bible. We believe that God speaks through his Word, and we come eager to hear it.

What to wear: Please wear whatever feels comfortable for you. For some, that’s jeans and a collared shirt or T-shirt, for others a suit or a dress.

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