3-Week Electives

March 2 - 16, 2025

About Electives

The purpose of our electives is to engage and equip the people of our church with the Word for the roles God has given them. The classes survey a variety of doctrines or topics, helping us to grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. We’re eager to dive into these studies with you.

During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page.

Elective Room map


Sundays, March 2-16, 11:00 AM

Discipling One Another


Overview: There are many things that the 21st century church has put on the “back-burner” when it comes to church practice, but one that stands out amongst others is discipleship. It seems lately the emphasis has turned solely to evangelism. Some will go out and knock on doors, lead altar calls, pray prayers, report baptism numbers, and then…nothing. New believers are left to fend for themselves with an enemy that is seeking to devour them. When we read Jesus’ command in Matthew 28, he doesn’t tell us to “make converts”, he tells us to “make disciples.” Join us for this class as we examine the Scriptural witness on leading new and mature believers in discipleship and our church’s role in the process so that we may produce workers in God’s kingdom for his glory!  

Teacher: Aaron Mullenix

Week 1: What is a “Disciple” and Why Make Disciples?
Week 2: The Process for Making Disciples
Week 3: Scriptural Witness and the Church’s Role

The Life and Theology of Augustine


Overview: Commenting on Richard Sibbes, a brother of ours said at Evening Prayer a few weeks back, “If your book is still in print 400 years later, there’s certainly something to be said about that.” But what about not just one, but dozens of works that are still in print 1,600 years later? Such is the case when we come to the life and theology of Augustine of Hippo. His writings impacted the course of Christian history that still reverberate soundly in the church today. In this short 3-week course, we’ll dive into Augustine’s life, his writings and the theology they contain, and finally how we see the gospel throughout his work that is alive and evident even today. We hope you join us as we look at the way God used one of his servants so long ago to build up his church in forming what we hold true today!

Teacher: Jim Knauss

Week 1: The Life of Augustine
Week 2: The Works of Augustine
Week 3: The Gospel in Augustine

Reading for Joy:


Overview: The Book of James grants enormous insight into practicing our faith. Often referred to as the “New Testament Proverbs”, the Lord’s brother connects theological principles with the practical outworkings of our walk. But is that all that is happening in James? This short look into James will show the richness of God’s wisdom in this brief letter written “to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion.”  Join us for this 3-week class as we seek to cherish God’s word both privately and corporately in learning to read the Bible “one-to-one.” We hope to see you for this time of rich instruction and prayerful fellowship!

Teacher: John Gardner

Week 1: Introduction to James & COMA Method
Week 2: The Doctrine of Scripture
Week 3: Reading the Bible One to One

The Sign of Baptism

Understanding Gender and Sexuality in Light of the Bible

Overview: Our Lord Jesus commanded disciples to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is a beautiful, public profession of one’s faith in the Gospel and their inclusion in the Church. It’s also the way the church publicly identifies the disciples she makes in obedience to Jesus. If you have believed in Jesus and need to be baptized—or if you just want to learn more about what we believe about baptism—The Baptism Class is for you. In this class we will answer three questions: What is baptism? Who should be baptized? How do we practice baptism at Heritage? You’ll be given helpful resources and spend time with a Heritage pastor to learn about baptism and next steps for getting baptized at Heritage.

Teacher: Trent Hunter

Week 1: What Is Baptism?
Week 2: Who Should Be Baptized?
Week 3: How Do We Practice Baptism at Heritage?

What is the Mission of the Church?

Making the Biblical Case for God’s Image

Overview: Some have taken the “mission” of the church and extended it to almost anything. Soup kitchens, clothing drives, digging wells in foreign lands, and even social justice issues have risen to the top as the church’s “mission.” But what do the Scriptures teach concerning the church’s mission? How do we as a local body tackle the charge that the Lord has given us in his Word? This class will answer the question of what the church’s mission is and the focus and intentionality needed to accomplish it successfully.

Teachers: Pete Hansen, Jim Knauss

Week 1: Defining the Word “Mission”
Week 2: What did Jesus Send Us to Do?
Week 3: The Gospel Amid an Anti-Gospel World
Week 4: The Church’s Mission and Social Justice
Week 5: The Church’s Mission in Light of Eternity
Week 6: Good Works and the Great Commission