Question and Answer with Joe Rigney

In this brief session, Dr. Rigney fields questions ranging from moral revolutions across the American historical landscape to leading a home faithfully under submission to the Word of God. Listen in to hear clarifying remarks for each session as Dr. Rigney provides answers to men seeking to live as biblical leaders in their homes.
Session 4 — A Vision of Faithful Headship

In Scripture the household is the basic unit of society, formed around a husband and a wife who are covenanted together. It’s no secret the culture declares the biblical view of headship just another form of “toxic masculinity.” But do we ourselves fully grasp what headship and “bodyship” entails? In this session Dr. Rigney marches through history and Scripture to outline the biblical plan of faithful headship: Glad-hearted and sacrificial stability and competence for the sake of the household and its mission. His joyful and attentive presence sets the tone for a happy home. What the head initiates, the body improves and enhances with glad-hearted partnership and submission. Listen in as Dr. Rigney comes full circle in teaching men how to conform their headship to the Lord Jesus Christ for the good of their households, for the good of the church, and to the glory of God.
Session 3 — Make No Provision for the Flesh: The Snare of Lust and Pornography

Sexual sin is almost as old as humanity itself. Thanks to unprecedented advancements in technology and anonymity, ours is a particularly dangerous epoch for men. In this session, Dr. Rigney warns us concerning pitfalls common to every man. We are in more than just a battle, and need the Spirit’s power to overcome that sin which seeks to destroy from within. In this talk, we end with practical ways to starve this sin and strategies for confessing sexual sin to God and others on the path of integrity. In this long war our direction is more important than our pace. Are we headed to new Jerusalem or the city of destruction?
Session 2 — Sober Up: Masculinity and Mastery of the Passions

What was man put on this Earth to do? Fundamentally, how do we as men execute the tasks the Lord has given to us? In this session, we’ll see how the tasks given to men differ from those given to humanity as a whole. Dr. Rigney shows from Scripture that every man is preparing to be a head. The need of the hour is for sober-minded men with mastery over their passions. That is, men with clear heads, a stability of soul, and a readiness to act. Listen in on this session as Dr. Rigney instructs us in these issues and gives practical applications on how to master our passions as faithful heads.
Session 1 — Failures of Manhood: Abdication, Idolatry, and Excuses

How and why does male leadership tend to go wrong? What does it mean for a man to be the head of his home? As Dr. Rigney shows from Scripture, when men abdicate their responsibility, high-handed idolatry and blame-shifting soon follow. Such sins that begin in the home spread to society at large. Understanding this pattern is a first step in finding our way to faithful. But before we consider the solution, we consider the grace we need to receive it: Christ has both redeemed and modeled the ideal head who never abdicates and never fails to love his bride.