The Better Magnificence

Everything around us in the digital world, whether in social media, advertising, or online entertainment, is seeking to grab our attention with the new and improved—something more magnificent than the thing before it. As we kick off our global outreach week on Sunday, we’re going to ponder a different sort of magnificence which turned the world upside down in Paul’s day and continues to today. We as a church will be invited to a totally different approach to greatness in our personal lives and through that in ministry to each other, to our community, and to the world.

Extreme Diligence, Extreme Reliance

Gospel advance requires extreme diligence: intentionality, hard work, discipline, investing ourselves, taking risk. But equally important is extreme reliance: understanding that it is not my hard work, but God’s Word—shared and applied—that will bring lasting change. It’s Paul saying on one side, “I worked harder than them all!” Yet that wasn’t his identity, because in the next breath he says, “yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10). And when we see Christ—fully accepting you, fully in control, completely satisfying to your every heart need—you’re going to joyfully say, “I’m going to give it all, as I wholly rest on Him.” Extreme diligence. Extreme reliance.