Men’s Bible Study: I Samuel

Men, our fall Bible study begins soon, and we’ll be looking into the book of I Samuel together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. We all serve someone or something. That someone or something will have our ultimate allegiance. After the period of the Judges, Israel wanted a king. They chose a king like the other nations, which led to disaster. Then God chose a king they needed. In our study of 1 Samuel we’ll see the reign of David and hints of a future king that we all need. The study begins on Thursday, September 28. Sign up and get your book ($5) this Sunday or next in the South Lobby or sign up online. If you sign up online, be sure to stop by the table to get your book. Join your brothers for encouraging times in the Word and in prayer. The study continues through Thursday, November 2, and will meet in The Cave.

Email Chris Gerber with questions.