Meet Jason Read

our candidate for Executive Pastor

Update: On Sunday, October 4, we agreed together in the Lord to call Jason Read as our Executive Pastor. Our vote was overwhelming and Jason gladly accepted. Pray for the Read family as they prepare to sell their Louisville home and transition to Greenville. We will communicate with you in the days and weeks ahead as the timeline for the Read’s transition shapes up. 


Our church has been blessed with godly Bible-led leaders for over four decades—men who guard the good deposit that has been entrusted to them. We are thankful for the church Christ has built and we are excited for our future together.

Your elders are excited to introduce you to Jason Read, our candidate for the role of Executive Pastor. Please start by reading the Letter from the Elders. That will orient you to Jason and to the process that led to this point and the process going forward, including your role. Then, acquaint yourself with Jason through the other materials we’ve included here. Finally, put some dates on your calendar, listed below.

The story of our search, an introduction to Jason, and your role in the process.

This is how we introduced our church to Jason early in the process.

A description of the role and the type of man we set out to find.

A presentation we have used to introduce Jason to various leadership teams.

Hear Jason preach the Word.

 Jason’s salvation story, his theology, and ministry practice.


On Sunday, September 13, Jason will share his testimony in our Lord’s Day gathering. That afternoon he will meet with our deacons and our Shepherding Group leaders at 4:30pm.

On Sunday, September 20, Jason will preach the Word in our Lord’s Day gathering. That afternoon at 4:30pm we will host an open Q&A with Jason in the Fellowship Hall. All members are welcome. 

On Sunday, September 27, the elders will offer a brief review and update on the process at our Family Meeting at 4:30pm.

Sunday, October 4, we will vote as members on Jason Read as our Executive Pastor.

John 15:1-11 — 12.31.2017

Galatians 5 — 7.30.2017