6-Week Electives

January 19 - february 23, 2025

About Electives

The purpose of our electives is to engage and equip the people of our church with the Word for the roles God has given them. The classes survey a variety of doctrines or topics, helping us to grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. We’re eager to dive into these studies with you.

During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page.

Electives map


Sundays, January 19 - February 23, 11:00 AM

Biblical Hermeneutics


Overview: Properly interpreting the Bible is not a task relegated only to those called to a Christian ministry vocation. As Protestants, we believe all Christians are to read their Bibles regularly and meditate on what they read day and night. With this responsibility comes the need to correctly interpret what we read. In this class, we will look at the basic tools to understand numerous topics such as historical and literary context, original audience, and authorial intent ingrained in the Scriptural witness. We’ll examine nuances to the different text types of Scripture and the biblical genres in which they are contained. Join us as we seek to be faithful to our study of the Scriptures by learning and practicing proper biblical interpretation.  

Teacher: Jim Knauss

Week 1: Observing the Text
Week 2: Historical and Literary Contexts
Week 3: Narratives, Poetry, & Discourse
Week 4: Essence & Practice of Application
Week 5: Reflecting on the Point of a Text
Week 6: Reflecting on the Redemptive Aspect of Scripture

The Doctrine of the Word of God


Overview: The Protestant Reformers knew to combat the theological errors of their day they had to start with Scripture. There is no other doctrine that has proven so pivotal in understanding the truth contained in the gospel as that of what we make of God’s Word. In this course, we will look to how the doctrine of the Word of God impacts how we examine all other systematic doctrines. Join us for this course as we walk through a history of thought on the subject and dive into several essential areas concerning the inerrancy, infallibility, and the inspiration of God’s written revelation.

Teacher: Chad Asire

Week 1: Scripture’s Authority
Week 2: Scripture’s Inerrancy
Week 3: Scripture’s Clarity
Week 4: Scripture’s Necessity
Week 5: Scripture’s Sufficiency
Week 6: Answering Objections to the Doctrine of Scripture

Evangelism 101:

Sharing Your Faith with Boldness

Overview: Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” Well, in Scripture, every evangelist uses words, especially the Lord Jesus! In this class, we’ll not just look to “use words”, but use biblically-faithful gospel words in a way that will prepare us to speak. We’ll look to Scripture for the theological underpinnings and the practical methods for sharing the good news with a long-time neighbor or a random person at the coffee shop. Discussion topics ranging from God’s sovereignty to conversation starters (“bridges”) in real-life opportunities are included to strengthen our understanding of the instruction. No matter where you are in sharing your faith, join us for this class as we bring new confidence and an emboldened attitude to sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world.

Teacher: Chris Gerber

Week 1: Why Do We Evangelize?
Week 2: What Is Our Message?
Week 3: God’s Role in Evangelism
Week 4: The Believer’s Role in Evangelism
Week 5: Getting the Conversation Going
Week 6: Putting Evangelism into Practice

Personal Spiritual Disciplines

Understanding Gender and Sexuality in Light of the Bible

Overview: Christians are taught to read the Bible and pray. They are taught how important it is to commune with God and study his Word. These important practices are things every Christian should do, but do we always know why? In this class we will prove the glorious purpose behind each one of these practices that goes far beyond the “just because.” God uses his voice and his ear as different means of his grace to bless believers, advance his kingdom, and bring himself glory. Join us for these 6 weeks as we focus on learning and practicing personal spiritual disciplines so as to bring the saints of the church into the channels of God’s grace to grow in him, strengthen his church, and bring him glory.

Teacher: Dan Rundle

Week 1: The Means of Grace
Week 2: God’s Voice Understood
Week 3: God’s Voice in Practice
Week 4: God’s Ear Understood
Week 5: God’s Ear in Practice
Week 6: Putting it all Together

What is the Mission of the Church?

Making the Biblical Case for God’s Image

Overview: Some have taken the “mission” of the church and extended it to almost anything. Soup kitchens, clothing drives, digging wells in foreign lands, and even social justice issues have risen to the top as the church’s “mission.” But what do the Scriptures teach concerning the church’s mission? How do we as a local body tackle the charge that the Lord has given us in his Word? This class will answer the question of what the church’s mission is and the focus and intentionality needed to accomplish it successfully.

Teachers: Pete Hansen, Jim Knauss

Week 1: Defining the Word “Mission”
Week 2: What did Jesus Send Us to Do?
Week 3: The Gospel Amid an Anti-Gospel World
Week 4: The Church’s Mission and Social Justice
Week 5: The Church’s Mission in Light of Eternity
Week 6: Good Works and the Great Commission