As part of our Family Meeting on Sunday, February 24, at 11:00 a.m., Members will vote on Elders and Deacons for 2019-20. Nominees are listed below and a sample ballot is available for your review.
Elder Nominees

Barry Formanack
Testimony: I grew up in Minnesota and our family attended a Lutheran church. One evening a neighbor invited my parents to attend an evangelistic meeting and they both accepted Christ as their Savior. We started to attend a Baptist church in which the Word of God was faithfully preached, and in first grade I accepted Christ as my Savior after a church service. Like most individuals, I doubted my salvation and made assurance when I was a teenager. I was baptized a few weeks after the assurance of salvation. I know that I am a child of God, not by my works or by the amount of my faith that I have, but rather because Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. By the grace of God, I am growing in Christ and learning what an awesome privilege it is to have a personal relationship with Him.
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Finance Committee
- Host Ministry
- Offering Counting Team
- Shepherding Group Co-Leader
- Former Deacon

Kris Fraley
Testimony: I grew up in a Church of Christ family where God was talked about, but not consistently modeled in a positive way. I knew about Jesus, but did not know I needed to have a personal relationship with Him. As a junior at Ohio State University, a woman named Kathy that I worked with in a part-time position showed me my need of a Savior. As the Lord was drawing me, I began attending her church along with my now wife, then girlfriend, Mary. Kathy invited us to a concert at her church where Christ was presented in word and song. I was impressed with the joy and peace displayed by the singers in their testimony. During the personal invitation at the end of the concert I made the decision to repent of my sin and trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, based on the truth I’d heard from Kathy, the pastor of the church, and my own search of the Scriptures. For by grace I have been saved through faith. And this is not my own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that I may boast. Since then, by God’s grace, I’ve been privileged to serve the Lord in various ways, and I continue to grow and mature in Him. In my current season of life, I earnestly desire to be a minister of God’s grace to families who gather in the name of the Lord at HBC. This one thing I know—our God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is always good.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Benevolence Committee
- Shepherding Group Leader
- Elective Teacher
- Host Ministry
- Nursery Ministry

Steve Hall
Testimony: I was blessed to be born into a Christian home in Pennsylvania where the influence of the Gospel was shared from multiple angles throughout my life. When I was five our pastor was ending a message on the need for forgiveness of sin, the power of salvation, and the joy of spending eternity in heaven. As he concluded the service asking if anyone wishing to be saved would come forward, I made my way to the front of the church. He walked me through the plan of salvation in very simple terms, and I accepted Christ as my Savior and was later baptized. My family moved to Greenville where I attended 2nd grade through college all at Bob Jones University graduating with a degree in Business. My journey with Christ is now 45 years in the making and there have been so many growth spurts along the way where God in His kindness has stretched my faith only to reveal deeper levels of His grace, mercy, and love for me as His child. We are now in our 28th year at Heritage, and I have no greater desire than to be plugged into the lives of others so that iron can sharpen iron!
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Personnel Committee
- Elective Teacher
- Host Ministry
- Nursery Ministry
- Former Deacon

Lee Hendsbee
Testimony: I grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada, where I attended a small country church and was blessed to have Christian parents. Mission teams from Bob Jones University came each summer to Nova Scotia to hold VBS and summer camps, and God used a missionary story the summer of 1979 to show me my need of Jesus. I repented of my sin and claimed His promise of salvation. Since then I have learned much about God’s grace, steadfast love, and constant need of His forgiveness. Sanctification is a lifelong process, and I am thankful for the emphasis Heritage places on the Gospel. It’s not that I have to obey Christ; it is my privilege and delight to obey Him. There is nothing I can do to earn the love of Christ that is lavishly poured out upon me, and I am thankful that I do not have to try to gain His acceptance by my performance. I enjoy listening to sermons, reading books on marriage, and spending time with other believers who also love our great and good God.
Ministry Involvement:
- Elder
- Personnel Committee
- Impact Sponsor
- Former Deacon
- Former SIGMA Leader
Deacons Nominees

Joe Allen
Testimony: I came to know Christ as Savior at the age of 14 and gave myself to God in Christian service at age 16. I served on the staff at the Mack Library at Bob Jones University for 47 years and was the director of the library for 27 years. In 2001 Jo Ann and I assisted with a BJU mission team to the Ukraine for thirty days. Since my retirement in 2014, my wife and I served as caregivers to my ailing parents for two years of which ten months were in Indiana. In June of this year we will celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary. We have three children and five grandchildren.
Ministry Involvement:
- Deacon
- Facilities Committee
- Shepherding Group Leader
- Offering Counting Team
- Sunday Facilities Assistant

Jeff Klaiber
Testimony: I was saved out of Catholicism at the age of 38. Graciously, and despite my stubbornness and pride, the Lord put Godly witnesses in my life and showed me my sin and need for a Savior. Through a faithful and Godly wife who accepted Christ two years earlier than I did, I was exposed to the Gospel and God’s Word. Accepting God’s Word as my authority, rather than a manmade religious system, was profound in my recognition that I was guilty before God (Gal. 3:10, James 2:10) and I accepted Christ as my Savior by faith (Eph. 2: 8-9). Deb and I have enjoyed our time at Heritage over the past couple years since moving from New Hampshire to Greenville in late 2016.
Ministry Involvement:
- Preschool Teacher
- Host Ministry
- Shepherding Group participant

Tom Mackintosh
Testimony: I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and church—through both of which I was faithfully taught the gospel. I came to Christ and was baptized at an early age. Since then, the Lord has faithfully continued His work in me to grow and deepen my understanding of His work for me through Christ.
Ministry Involvement:
- L3inC Sponsor
- Preschool Teacher
- Shepherding Group participant

Joe VanLeeuwen
Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and made a profession of faith early in life, though at many times after would doubt and pray again for salvation. Around 8th grade I questioned my beliefs and quickly developed a mindset of hatefulness towards God that I nurtured for the next ~3 years until my youth pastor wisely drew me to I John and told me that he did not think I was a believer. God’s Word opened my eyes to my sin, and I repented and asked Him to forgive me and fully placed my trust in Jesus. In my senior year of college I started attending HBC where I later met my wife, Karisha. We were married in 2016.
Ministry Involvement:
- A/V Team
- Nursery Ministry
- Shepherding Group participant