Deacon Affirmation

On February 12, the Elders approved Aaron Mullenix as the candidate for Deacon of Children’s Ministry. At an upcoming Family Meeting, Members will be asked to affirm Aaron for this position.

Deacon of Children’s Ministry:

The Deacon of Children’s Ministry serves the body by assisting the Pastor of Children’s Ministry and the Elders in the managing of volunteers in the Children’s Ministry. This deacon will develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain volunteers. He will provide ongoing training and support to volunteers to help them grow in their roles.

Aaron Mullenix


I grew up Catholic, attending Mass and believing that through my good behavior I could earn my way into Heaven. In college, my Christian roommate invited me to church and I accepted, believing I was already saved. It was a Bible church and I was initially drawn to the contemporary worship and welcoming believers—unlike Mass. A few months in, a sermon on sin, backed by Scripture, challenged my Catholic beliefs and I was floored. I studied the Bible, discussed it with my pastor and friends, and eventually saw the gospel as it is clearly explained in Scripture. Through all of this, I was greatly humbled and repented from my sinful pride in thinking I’d somehow earned God’s favor, but instead realizing it is only due to the sacrifice of His Son that I am able to be washed clean from my sin. This was in 2007 and I am thankful every day for how the Lord called me to Himself and that I have the opportunity to grow and serve alongside faithful brothers and sisters at Heritage.

Ministry Involvement:

  • Children’s Ministry Teacher
  • Shepherding Group Leader
  • Elective Teacher
  • Worship Team