Recap of Greenville’s Fourth Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop
What’s at stake in the preacher’s work? Quite a bit actually. That’s why we host a preaching workshop every year for preachers in the Upstate, a partnershop with The Charles Simeon Trust. Our Lord loves us so much that he calls our preachers to this kind of careful work.
Recap of Greenville’s Third Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop
What’s at stake in the preacher’s work? Quite a bit actually. That’s why we host a preaching workshop every year for preachers in the Upstate, a partnershop with The Charles Simeon Trust. Our Lord loves us so much that he calls our preachers to this kind of careful work.
Recap of Greenville’s Second Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop
Every preacher thanks God for these encouraging words: Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. —1 Timothy 4:13–16
Recap of Our First Annual Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop
Preachers need encouragement, help, and a regular reminder that God accomplishes his work in the world through his Word. It’s in this spirit of encouragement and progress that Heritage has invested in area churches and pastors in a variety of ways. It’s also why we hosted a preaching workshop for area preachers this past January through a partnership with the Charles Simeon Trust.
Recap of our First Annual Women’s Workshop
In God’s wisdom, he has ordered the church so that men and women have complementary roles, with men entrusted with public teaching and the role of elder (1Tim. 2:8-3:7). We worked through this topic a little over a year ago in a sermon titled, “Women of the Word.” However, we must say more. Women are not merely […]