A Gospel Preaching Church Is Planted (’76)
A small congregation is born with a big prayer: to proclaim God’s sovereign grace and Christ’s name in the Upstate and to the ends of the earth. To make disciples and plant churches here and abroad.
A Church on The Move (The 80s)
The 80s was a decade of movement not untypical to the life of a new plant. A name change, the first staff member, the first full-time preacher, and multiple address changes. But big prayers continued as we made home at our current address ahead of the region’s growth.
Praying, Training, Sending, Planting (The 90s & 2000s)
Even as we put down roots and put up buildings in our current neighborhood, we kept moving. We scouted locations for new plants in neighboring towns and as far away as California and the Washington D.C. area. We raised, trained, and sent out pastors, planters, and seedling congregations.
Ordering Our Life Under the Word (2010–2025)
Bible is our middle name. Staying faithful to the Bible has meant a willingness to be formed and reformed by the Word of God, and in that way true to the founding vision for a church under the rule of Christ. These years are the story of seeking the Scriptures for a faithful ordering of our church’s worship, membership, ordinances, discipleship, missions, and leadership.
Staying Faithful in Our Times (2026)
Here’s what’s next in our story, by God’s grace: a reinvestment in our property with a focus on worship and welcome. Ours is a story of faithfulness and longevity. By God’s grace, we intend to stay faithful to the good news, faithful to one another, and faithful to our mission. And to do so in this place and from this place for a long time to come.
Meeting in Flinte’s hoagie shop to discuss planting a new church
Weekly gatherings began in Walt & Beverly Rumminger’s home
Incorporated as Bible Believers’ Church
First Famous Soup Supper
53 members signed the charter documents
Leased Metal Building on Poinsett Highway
Jerry Detandt hired as first part-time pastor
Moved to the storefront church on Poinsett Highway
Moved to the former Emmanuel Temple on State Park Road
Hired Jim Conley as first full-time preaching pastor
Changed name to Heritage Bible Church
Purchased Hudson Road property and began building the Fellowship Hall (now Elementary Wing), deemed “Heritage East” and State Park Road property “Heritage North”
Auditorium completed and dedicated
First church plant, Community Bible Church Easley, SC
Planted Grace Bible Church Moore, SC
Nursery and Office Wing completed
Hired Danny Brooks as second full-time preaching pastor
Renamed high school ministry L3inC (Living, Loving, Lasting in Christ)
Planted Grace Bible Church Menifee, CA
First full-time intern, Matthew Hoskinson
Planted Emmanuel Bible Church Mauldin, SC
Preaching changed from KJV to ESV
Planted Grace Bible Church Alexandria, VA
First Dispatches from the Front published with Heritage’s financial support
Fellowship Hall completed and dedicated
Planted Redeemer Bible Church Brighton, CO
Sent Farmers to Indonesia
Sent Hansens to China
College Ministry organized and named Impact
Middle School instruction (SIGMA) focused on systematic theology with a three-year teaching cycle
Sent Brooke Illsley to Cambodia
Launched Children’s Ministry curriculum with Journey Groups, workshop model, and re-designed Elementary Wing
Taught first Membership Matters Class
Members voted to adopt current Confession of Faith, Membership Covenant, and Constitution
Membership Covenant read for the first time at a Family Meeting
Forty Year Celebration
Moved from age-graded Sunday School to Electives and prioritized Shepherding Groups with a goal: maturity in Christ (Eph. 4) seen in whole-body and intergenerational unity, leadership multiplication, close elder-care, and hospitality
Hired Trent Hunter as third full-time preaching pastor
Sent Brooks family to Salt Lake City for church revitalization
Trent’s book Christ from Beginning to End published
First part-time intern, Mark Centers
Launched Preaching Cohort
First Family Meeting with church-wide meal, launching new calendar rhythm
Adopted new mission statement
Launched re-designed Women’s Ministry, combining relational and teaching emphases
First hosted Keith and Kristyn Getty to promote congregational singing
First hosted Keith and Kristyn Getty to promote congregational singing
Reframed Children and Student Ministries as Family Ministry
Global Outreach aim adopted: “to proclaim Christ in order to establish reproducing, indigenous churches among the world’s lead reached peoples”
First Women’s Simeon Trust teaching workshop
First annual Elders’ Q&A
First baptism conferring membership
Elders completed study of biblical eldership and redesigned process to identify and appoint Elders, bringing stability to the church’s leadership and the congregation
Adopted “How the Gospel Shapes Our Gathering,” expressing our theology and approach to corporate worship
First Newcomers Reception just in time for many COVID era transitions
Greenville Expository Preaching Workshop established in partnership with Simeon Trust
Unreached people, the Riau Melayu, adopted
Sent members to begin biblical counseling certification through ACBC
First Pastoral Resident, Timothy Martin
Sent Abe Stratton to pastor Bethany Baptist Church Brevard, NC
Re-organized Deacons from board to task-based ministry
Re-designed staff sabbaticals and implemented them for non-staff elders
Dan Cruver’s book Loved Indeed published based on preaching series
Completed Master Plan process and began planning for 50th Anniversary celebration
Our current building tells a story of giving that spans decades. Sit in the auditorium and give thanks for the members who joyfully gave to build it. Walk through the nursery wing or stop by the offices to give thanks for the members who sacrificially gave to that project. Learn during an elective or feast during a Family Meeting in the Fellowship Hall and give thanks to God for the generosity of those members.
Today, as we work toward a renewal of our property with a focus on our Lord’s Day worship and welcome, it’s our turn. Our turn to give and build together for the sake of the next fifty years, with two goals in mind.
• In giving to the General Fund
• In giving to the Next Fifty building project
To reach that goal and complete construction, our plan is to:
• Raise $1,000,000 by our 50th Anniversary in March 2026
• Celebrate our anniversary by securing a construction loan for $2,250,000 so we can begin the work
• Pay off that loan within 3 years to keep us free from long term-debt
• Ask members to make a 4-year financial commitment (March 2025 to March 2029)
Everything we have belongs to the Lord (Ps 24:1). Scripture teaches us to give cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7) and sacrificially (Ps. 4:5) according to how the Lord has blessed each of us (2 Cor 8:3). Use this table to help you prayerfully decide your role in this project.