On March 3, 2026 Heritage Bible Church turns fifty. As we lead up to our anniversary, we look back to remember all that God has done among us. At the same time, we look forward in prayer for all that God might do in the future, surely more than we could ask or imagine.
But it’s good to imagine. And to invest. So, in this season of remembrance, we strategize for the renewal of our property with a focus on our Lord’s Day worship and welcome. Yes, it’s that time again. It’s our turn to invest in our church’s property for the sake of our church’s mission.
May the Lord strengthen us for faithfulness in this place in our times. And for the next fifty, by God’s grace.
Meeting in Flinte’s hoagie shop to discuss planting a new church
Weekly gatherings began in Walt & Beverly Rumminger’s home
Incorporated as Bible Believers’ Church
53 members signed the charter documents
Our first building went up on this property before the neighborhoods around us were established. That was many years ago. The growth continues apace. A 2024 headline explains why traffic is still picking up: “U-Haul Growth States of 2024: South Carolina Tops List for First Time.”
No one hides a light under a basket and we don’t intend to hide ours. We intend to remain a thoroughfare for the gospel in this place for generations. And from this place to plant churches throughout our region so that our Triune God might be worshiped as he deserves. More churches means more worshiping congregations, which makes for more going and sending for the sake of the Name among the nations.
Over the last few years our elders invested in a Master Planning process to strategize for the health and endurance of our property in service of our mission. We considered many possibilities, some of which may be part of future phases. For the time being, here is our focus: our auditorium and lobbies. Or, to accent what these spaces are for, our WORSHIP and WELCOME.
• Our Lord’s Day gathering is central to our church.
• Our auditorium has served us well but shows its age: aesthetically, technologically, lighting, seating, etc.
• Some structural issues.
• Space for our members to interact before and after church.
• Space for newcomers to get acquainted with our church through a guest welcome center and a hospitality room to host our newcomers reception.
• Space to resource our church through a bookstore.
• Create a main entrance to welcome members and guests
• Renovate current offices into nursery space
• Add a large gathering room to the end of the Elementary Wing with new offices at parking lot level
• Renovate parking lot to improve traffic flow and create space for a playground
Our current building tells a story of giving that spans decades. Sit in the auditorium and give thanks for the members who joyfully gave to build it. Walk through the nursery wing or stop by the offices to give thanks for the members who sacrificially gave to that project. Learn during an elective or feast during a Family Meeting in the Fellowship Hall and give thanks to God for the generosity of those members.
Today, as we work toward a renewal of our property with a focus on our Lord’s Day worship and welcome, it’s our turn. Our turn to give and build together for the sake of the next fifty years, with two goals in mind.
• In giving to the General Fund
• In giving to the Next Fifty building project
To reach that goal and complete construction, our plan is to:
• Raise $1,000,000 by our 50th Anniversary in March 2026
• Celebrate our anniversary by securing a construction loan for $2,250,000 so we can begin the work
• Pay off that loan within 3 years to keep us free from long term-debt
• Ask members to make a 4-year financial commitment (March 2025 to March 2029)
Everything we have belongs to the Lord (Ps 24:1). Scripture teaches us to give cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7) and sacrificially (Ps. 4:5) according to how the Lord has blessed each of us (2 Cor 8:3). Use this table to help you prayerfully decide your role in this project.