The Able and Ready Physician

Luke 5:27–32

About the Sermon

Jesus is on the move and has been healing in a way no physician in his time or in our time can do. Jesus has proven his mastery over physical ailments and has drawn no little controversy along the way in his efforts. This week we come to another movement of Jesus as he calls the least likely in the community to follow him. As expected, there is controversy, and Jesus begins to reveal a new paradigm in both the people called to God’s kingdom and a need for healing that goes far beyond our physical bodies. Look at Luke 5:27-32 as we consider why we can call Jesus the “Great Physician” and the sickness he came to heal.

About the Series

Luke writes that we may be certain of the things that we have been taught. That is, confident in the good news about Jesus. Apparently some of the things we have been taught are so wonderful they are hard to believe. In his orderly account, Luke announces good news of great reversals in which God humbles the proud and exalts the humble. Peace with God through the forgiveness of sins really is available but on God’s terms. To show us how we must come to him, Luke introduces us to the characters Jesus lifted up and to the proud whom he brought low. In all this he compels us to humbly believe in the Son of the Most High God and to preach this good news of great joy to the end of the earth.
Luke writes that we may be certain of the things that we have been taught. That is, confident in the good news about Jesus. Apparently some of the things we have been taught are so wonderful they are hard to believe. In his orderly account, Luke announces good news of great reversals in which God humbles the proud and exalts the humble. Peace with God through the forgiveness of sins really is available but on God's terms. To show us how we must come to him, Luke introduces us to the characters Jesus lifted up and to the proud whom he brought low. In all this he compels us to humbly believe in the Son of the Most High God and to preach this good news of great joy to the end of the earth.

Sermons in the Series