6-Week Electives

April 7 - May 19, 2024

About Electives

The purpose of our electives is to engage and equip the people of our church with the Word for the roles God has given them. The classes survey a variety of doctrines or topics, helping us to grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. We’re eager to dive into these studies with you.

During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.

Learn more on the Electives page

Elective room map


Sundays, April 7 – May 19, 11:00 AM

Giving Faith Something to See:

For the Good Fight

Overview: There is a gap between when we first believe in Christ and when we finally see Him with our eyes. We live the entirety of our Christian lives looking “not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen” (2 Cor. 4:18), waiting for the day when our faith becomes sight. Faith in the gap is not easy; daily, we are tempted to lose heart, and often, we groan under heavy burdens. The Christian life is a fight but a good one. Join us as we look to the Scriptures, which always give our faith something to see to strengthen us for our Christian pilgrimage.  

Teacher: Dan Cruver

Week 1: Faith in the Gap
Week 2: Faith for the Gap
Week 3: Faith when Confident
Week 4: Faith in the Fight, Part 1
Week 5: Faith in the Fight, Part 2
Week 6: Faith Become Sight

Membership Matters

Investing in Followers of Christ

Overview: Membership in a local church is vital for the growth of every follower of Christ. This class explores the biblical foundations for church membership along with the specifics of being a member at Heritage. We will walk through our Confession of Faith, Membership Covenant, and other key aspects of life at Heritage. Anyone interested in learning more about Heritage or pursuing membership is invited to join us. Attendance is required to become a member at Heritage.

Teachers: Kris Fraley, Steve Hall, Jason Read

Week 1: Why Join a Church?
Week 2: Heritage’s History and Mission
Week 3: What Do We Believe?
Week 4: What Is a Membership Covenant
Week 5: What Is Life Like at Heritage?
Week 6: Q&A

Reading for Joy:

Song of Solomon

Overview: Sex outside of God’s design seems to have a devastating effect on our culture. Pornography is but a click away while fornication and adultery destroy marriages and families. The Song of Solomon stands as a portion of God’s wisdom in stark contrast to our cultural moment by proving how sexual intimacy functions as a part of God’s good design. Solomon walks through the courtship, wedding, intimacy, and sweet friendship of a man and his bride in this poem. As such, this book stands as a testament to what the covenant of marriage is at its very best. Join us for this time in which we will discuss the love in Solomon’s marriage and how it points us to something even greater.

Teachers: John Gardner & Chris Gerber

Week 1: Introduction to Song of Solomon & the COMA Method; Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7
Week 2: The Doctrine of Scripture; Song of Solomon 2:8-3:11
Week 3: Look Down: Close Context; Song of Solomon 4:1-5:1
Week 4: Look Back: Continuing Context: Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3
Week 5: Complete Context; Song of Solomon 6:4-7:13
Week 6: Reading the Bible One to One; Song of Solomon 8

The Sanctity of Life:

Making the Biblical Case for God’s Image

Overview: Justice Harry Blackmun, the author of the Opinion of the Supreme Court concerning the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, said, “We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins.” While murder is as old as human history, there seemed to promulgate from this statement a culture of death and with it the destruction of God’s image bearers. Justice Blackmun’s statement begs the question: is the question of life’s beginning a difficult one? How should we as Christians think through the sanctity of human life? In this class, we’ll dive into the Scriptures and see what God’s word says of divine image bearers. Over the six weeks, we’ll cover the topics of abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. Join us as we gather around the Bible to meet this critical juncture head on with the word of God.

Teacher: Jim Knauss

Week 1: Introduction to Basic Logic
Week 2: The Culture’s Argument for Abortion
Week 3: The Biblical Argument against Abortion
Week 4: The Culture’s Argument for Euthanasia
Week 5: The Biblical Argument against Euthanasia
Week 6: Capital Punishment and the Scriptures

Sharing the Gospel with our Kids

Making the Biblical Case for God’s Image

Overview: Christian parents are eager to bring their children to church, to Sunday school, and mid-week youth groups. They are excited to read them Bible passages, practice memory verses, explain wise and thoughtful living in hopes that they will change their behavior. We want our children to act like Christians, but are we affecting their hearts toward Jesus? Are they developing a deep love for Christ? Will this love persist into adulthood? We know there’s no formula to guarantee salvation for our children, but there are practical habits we can foster in church, in class, and at home to drive gospel conversations and show the children around us the glorious and awesome God that we serve. Please join us as we explore and learn the various ways to show the young ones in our lives the beauty of Jesus.

Teacher: Kevin Johnson & Aaron Mullenix

Week 1: Why Share the Gospel with our Kids?
Week 2: Sin, Salvation, and Church Kids
Week 3: Jesus vs. Moralism
Week 4: Teaching Jesus from the Old Testament
Week 5: Teaching Jesus from the New Testament
Week 6: Habits at Home to Foster Gospel Conversation