He Is God of the Living

Mark 12:18-27

About the Sermon

Jesus is on the home stretch—if we could call it that. His public ministry has made a direct move into public conflict with the religious elites. In this sermon we come to a third of four rounds of intense conversation between Jesus and his opponents. This time, the topic is the resurrection. Jesus believes that the end of the age will involve a resurrection of the dead to new life, some to judgment and some to joy. Apparently, this is an idea that could get him killed. Why is that? What is it about the resurrection that is so offensive? That question will help us see just how crucial and wonderful this doctrine is for us.

About the Series

Mark began his gospel with the words of the prophets, who told of a day when the Lord would come to his temple, and when he would deliver his people from sin. He also composed his gospel with a deliberate geographical movement from Galilee to Jerusalem. Why did he do that? To show us that the Lord’s path leads to his enthronement on a cross. But there is a second reason: to show us our path. The path of discipleship— the path of those who would follow Jesus—has a cross in it as well. Our fates are bound up with his. Thankfully, this path does not end with suffering, but with resurrection and life. This is a book written about discipleship for disciples like us.
Mark began his gospel with the words of the prophets, who told of a day when the Lord would come to his temple, and when he would deliver his people from sin. He also composed his gospel with a deliberate geographical movement from Galilee to Jerusalem. Why did he do that? To show us that the Lord’s path leads to his enthronement on a cross. But there is a second reason: to show us our path. The path of discipleship— the path of those who would follow Jesus—has a cross in it as well. Our fates are bound up with his. Thankfully, this path does not end with suffering, but with resurrection and life. This is a book written about discipleship for disciples like us.

Sermons in the Series