6-Week Electives

April 16 - May 28

About Electives

The purpose of our electives is to engage and equip the people of our church with the Word for the roles God has given them. The classes survey a variety of doctrines or topics, helping us to grow in our walk with Jesus and in our relationships with each other. We’re eager to dive into these studies with you.

During the adult Electives, children, middle school, and high school students meet according to their grades.


Sundays, April 16 – May 28, 11:00 AM

Evangelism and World Religions:

Speaking the Gospel to Other Faiths, Part 2

Overview: This is a continuation of the class from earlier this year. The first six weeks is not required in order to take Part 2. Anyone is welcome to join! We live in a religiously diverse culture. A Muslim works in your office. Your uncle is Jewish. A Buddhist just moved next door. We no longer need to travel across oceans to meet those with different religious views. If you’ve been wondering how to approach your Hindu neighbor with the gospel, then join us. We’ll look at six different world religions. You’ll learn some distinctives of these religions and some strategies for approaching people in those religions with the gospel of Christ. We hope you join us as we equip ourselves to speak the good news about Jesus to those who need Him.  

Teacher: Jim Knauss

Membership Matters

Did Jesus Have to be Perfect?

Overview: Membership in a local church is vital for the growth of every follower of Christ. This class explores the biblical foundations for church membership along with the specifics of being a member at Heritage. We will walk through our Confession of Faith, Membership Covenant, and other key aspects of life at Heritage. Anyone interested in learning more about Heritage or pursuing membership is invited to join us. Attendance is required to become a member at Heritage.

Teachers: Various Elders

Planning and Investing for Eternity

Why Getting People Saved Isn’t Enough

Overview: Jesus told one man to sell everything he owned. The disciples left everything to follow Jesus. Obediently following Christ means we submit every part of our life to Christ, including our budget now and our future financial plans. How do we steward our resources today for God’s glory? How does a Christian think about retirement differently than the world might? Join us as we explore biblical wisdom and practical considerations for budgeting, financial planning, investing, retirement, and estate planning.

Teachers: Greg Fox and Sandy McCormick

Class Slides: Financial Freedom

Reading for Joy:


Overview: A young Jewish girl became queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction, but God is never once mentioned by name in the book of Esther. What then does this story teach us about our God, and how does it point us toward Christ? Join us as we study the book of Esther and glimpse the beauty, majesty, power, and mercy of GodThis class is designed to equip each of us to read the Bible with another person, whether believer or non-believer. In fact, a goal for class participants is that you do outside of class what we do in class—invite another person to read Esther with you just like we’re doing. Join us in this discussion-filled group effort to peer into the Scriptures so that we may find lasting joy.

Teacher: Chris Gerber

Ready to Restore:

The One Another of Biblical Counseling, Part 2

Overview: This is a continuation of the class from earlier this year. The first six weeks is a prerequisite to Part 2. Participants will continue to learn the basics of counseling and how to “one another” within the church family. Explore, discover, and gain confidence in being competent to counsel.

Teachers: Travis Fleshman and Brad Hilgeman

Shepherding Group Leader Training:

How We Care for Each Other at Heritage

Overview: Why do we have small groups? What should happen in a small group? Why do we call them Shepherding Groups? Who gets to lead one? How is that done? In this class we’ll explore the biblical basis for small groups and our reasons for emphasizing them at Heritage. We’ll also look at details like what happens when you meet and how you lead a group discussion. From the big picture to the nuts and bolts, this class is designed to equip people to lead small groups in our church. The class is a requirement for those who will be new SG leaders; it is highly recommended for current SG leaders; and it is open to anyone in our church who is curious.

Teacher: Kevin Johnson and Jason Read

Torah and You:

A Christian’s Relationship to the Law

Overview: Paul told Timothy that all of Scripture is inspired and profitable—including the Law of Moses. Yet we often avoid that part of the Bible because of its ancient context and the challenge to rightly understand God’s purposes. However, the Law is a foundation for the rest of Scripture and it reveals the kind and tender heart of God. Most importantly, it helps us understand the necessity and purpose of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. Join us as we dive deep into the Torah and learn to love God more through his Word.  

Teacher: Mark Centers