Do you ever feel that God is hidden from you? Do you look around at your circumstances and wonder if God will keep his promises to you—promises to keep you, guard you, deliver you? The Jewish exiles in the days of Queen Esther undoubtedly had some of these thoughts and feelings as they lived under the reign of a godless king in a pagan empire and faced annihilation from the descendant of an ancient enemy. Where was God, and how could he possibly fulfill his covenant promises in these circumstances? Would he even want to honor his covenant given the sins of His people?

Come study the book of Esther with us to gaze in awe at the God that is never mentioned and to marvel at his providence, faithfulness, and deliverance in the midst of overwhelming pain and fear. We will be using Esther: The Hidden Hand of God by Lydia Brownback as well as some supplemental materials put together by the HBC teaching team. You will come away from this study with a greater confidence and assurance that God reigns in this world and that no enemy can stand against him!

For this fall session of Women’s Bible Study we will meet at Heritage each Tuesday morning at 9:15 a.m. or Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m., September 14-November 16. Childcare for infants through preschoolers is available for the morning session only. Each week will include small group discussions as well as a large group instruction time.

Sign up and pick up your materials in the South Lobby at Heritage on Sundays, August 29, September 5, or September 12. The cost for this study is $10.

Email Liz Stratton, Director of Women’s Ministries, with questions.