This year marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a day which is fixed in many minds. We are glad to welcome a special speaker, Steve Scheibner, for our Fall Men’s Breakfast. Steve is an airline pilot who was supposed to fly one of the planes which crashed on 9/11; however, his seat was taken last-minute by another man.

Saturday, September 18, men of all ages are invited to the Greenville Downtown Airport where we will have breakfast and hear this incredible story. Our men’s breakfast is an annual outreach which we gear toward unbelieving coworkers, neighbors, and friends; but this year’s breakfast will be especially powerful. Make plans to come and invite that guy you’ve been thinking and praying about.

A suggested donation of $3/person will be collected from our men at the breakfast. There is no charge for invited guests.

Please sign up below, then join us on September 18 at 10 Opportunity Place, Greenville, SC 29607.