Confessio: A Night of Hymns and Songs with The Gettys
We’re excited to once again be hosting Keith & Kristyn Getty along with their team for an evening of worship and praise on Friday, March 11, for their brand new hymns tour: Confessio: A diary of hymns and songs that underscore the Gettys’ Irish American journey. This collection is a ‘confessio’ in word and note of […]
This summer our 1st-6th graders will be studying the coolest book on the planet, God’s Word, at our Operation Arctic VBS, June 17-21, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Get ready for the thrill of exploring this one-of-a-kind treasure, since there is no other book like the Bible. It reveals the glory of God! Registration for VBS has […]
Luke: Good News of Great Reversals
Good Friday & Easter
One of the most treasured texts in our Old Testament is Isaiah 53 where the prophet reveals the meaning of the death of “the servant,” who is the King and Messiah: “He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities.” But there is more detail here. In fact, this chapter speaks of […]