Men’s Bible Study 2022

Men, join us for our fall Bible study beginning Thursday, September 29. We will be looking into the book of Judges together on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. There’s a lot of darkness and even more junk which permeates the book, but we’ll find that God’s steadfast love and mercy shine through it […]

Men’s Breakfast 2022

Brothers, join other men on Saturday, September 17, for our annual Men’s Breakfast. We’re excited to welcome Jose Alvarez as our speaker, and if you’re a baseball fan or historian, you’ll recognize his name from the 1980’s Atlanta Braves. Jose will share the incredible story of God’s work in his life. One of our goals […]

And Now for Your Questions

There are many voices out there competing for our attention. Some are babbling, some are asking questions, and some are offering answers. Social media and mass communication lends itself to church leaders not knowing who is asking what questions and lay members not knowing who to trust for answers.