Baptism & Membership

Identifying with Christ and His Church

Church is not something we attend. It’s something we are. We’re a body that grows “when each part is working properly” (Eph. 4:16). We’re a people led by elders who “watch over” and “give an account” of our souls to God (Heb. 13:17). We’re a people who “hold fast the confession of our hope,” who gather to “stir up one another to love and good works,” and do so as a matter of habit until “the Day” our King returns for us (Heb. 10:23–25).

No community on earth is as precious as this. Here are three steps to take if Christ is your King and this church your home.


Baptism is how we publicly identify with Christ and his people. It’s a violent image. The word, baptizo, means “to immerse.” It was used of ships sinking and towns being pillaged. Jesus said his cross was a baptism (Lk. 12:50). When we go under the water in baptism, we dramatically picture our union with Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3–6). It is also an initiation rite into the community of faith; the way Christ’s church identifies the members of his kingdom (Matt. 28:18–20; 1Cor. 12:13).

If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, or if you are now confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and desire to publicly acknowledge your faith through baptism, we are eager to speak with you.


When Jesus makes disciples, he gathers them into local assemblies for their mutual growth and shared mission. Our Membership Matters class is an introduction to Heritage: what we believe, how we’re led, and what we’re doing here. Classes run for six weeks and are offered mutiple times throughout the year. Until then, read our Membership Covenant to get a sense of who we are.

If you are interested in membership, or in just learning more about Heritage, join us for our next membership class.

If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, or if you are now confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and desire to publicly acknowledge your faith through baptism, we are eager to speak with you.

Family Meetings

Church members gather multiple times across the year for Family Meetings. Outside of our Sunday gatherings and Shepherding Groups, Family Meetings are the main way that we express our partnership together in the gospel, welcoming members, engaging our shared mission, and praying together. Regular attenders are welcome as guests.

Interested in Baptism or Membership?

That’s wonderful! Let’s talk.

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